A compiler written in Haskell for the Tiger language targeting MIPS.
- Successfully compiles and runs queens.tig and merge.tig
- Uses alex and happy for lexing and parsing
- FindEscape is completed
- Register allocator implements spilling and coalescing
- Spill cost is weighted by occurrences of uses and defs in loops
- Handles functions with > 4 parameters
You need SPIM installed in order to run the compiled programs.
To compile and run all of the programs in the programs/
sh compile_and_run_all.sh
If you want to compile a single program, like for example, programs/queens.tig
cabal exec tiger2 -- queens
In order to generate a Happy info table for debugging the parser:
sh gen_info_table.sh
The resulting info table will be in src/Tiger/Grammar.info
You can also experiment in the REPL. First run:
chmod 644 .ghci
in order to turn off the write permissions for .ghci
(ghci ignores that file otherwise). Then run:
cabal repl
and enter :ss
in the prompt:
ghci> :ss
This unpacks all the functions in each compiler "module" to the toplevel along
with everything in the Tiger.State
record so
you can run things like newTemp
and allocLocal
ghci> newTemp
ghci> regRa
ghci> :t allocLocal
allocLocal :: MipsFrame -> Bool -> IO (F.Access MipsFrame)
Also preexisting testing functions testParse
, testTc
, testTrans
, testCanon
, testCodegen
, and compile
are available from the REPL toplevel.
ghci> testTc "let type rec = { a: int, b: string } in rec { a = 1, b = \"hello\" } end"
(ESeqExp (SeqStm (MoveStm (TempExp 26) (CallExp (NameExp allocRecord) [ConstExp 8])) (SeqStm (MoveStm (MemExp (BinOpExp Plus (TempExp 26) (ConstExp 0))) (ConstExp 1)) (MoveStm (MemExp (BinOpExp Plus (TempExp 26) (ConstExp 4))) (NameExp L25)))) (TempExp 26),RecordTy [(a,IntTy),(b,StringTy)] Unique)