How to install from AUR
yay -S walcord
git clone
cd walcord
makepkg -si
How to install from releases:
sudo cp <path_to>/walcord /usr/bin
git clone
cd walcord
python -m venv .venv/
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-<your-system>.txt --upgrade
pyinstaller walcord.spec
- run a
command - select
Walcord Default Theme
in Vesktop
First, you need to prepare a theme that will be used as the basis for your theme (or you can just take ready for use theme frome examples). To do this, download the theme, and replace the colors you want with KEY(key_name, opacity). script will replace the KEY with the css color code in rgba format:
--some-var: KEY(1, 0.5); /* will become rgba(r, g, b, 0.5) */
The KEY syntax will be discussed in more detail here
After that, you can use this theme (or folder with themes) in walcord:
walcord -t <path/to/themes>
Walcord doesn't care what type of file is given to it, so it can be used in many places. the limit of possibilities is your imagination! to save a style file in a certain directory use --output
walcord -t <path-to-some-file.txt> -o <path-and/or-name-a-new-file>
You can also use the image you want, from which the colors will be taken, using --image
walcord -i <path-to-image>
You can use the --json
argument if you want to use a different palette creation backend, such as Hellwal:
walcord -j ~/.cache/hellwal/colors.json
KEY() can take background
, foreground
and numbers from 0 to 15 as the first argument:
--bg-3: KEY(background);
--text-3: KEY(2)
you can also set the transparency of the color from 0 to 1 and use short names:
--accent-1: KEY(F, 0.75)
--hover: KEY(br, 1)
All names of colors and they short vesions (click me)
background: b
foreground: f
border: br (color 2)
text: t (color 15)
accent: a (color 13)
wallpaper: w
If you only want values from KEY, individual colors, or HEX format, you can use the output parameters:
--accentcolor: KEY(a).rgb_values; /* it will become just r,g,b values*/
--foo: KEY(T).r /* it will become just r value*/
All output parameters (click me)
=rgba(r, g, b, a)
=rgba(r, g, b)
=hsl(h, s, l)
=h, s, l
red / r
green / g
blue / b
opacity / o
hue / h
saturation / s
lightness / l
You can also add, subtract a numeric value from a certain parameter, or invert colors with second modifiers:
KEY(a).rgb /* its 10, 20, 30 for example */
KEY(a).rgb.add(0, 50) /* become 60, 20, 30 */
KEY(a).rgb.invert /* become 245, 235, 225 */
All second modifiers (click me)
add / a
(pos, val)sub / s
(pos, val)invert / i
no params
- danihek/Themecord: The Mastermind
- dylanaraps/pywal: without it, this project would not exist