Bait the snoopers. Small python3 script that snaps a webcam photo and locks the computer when a keyboard/mouse press is detected. A countermeasure solution to those that are eager to pull a prank on an unlocked machine. OS: Linux Tested: Arch Linux (testing appreciated but should work)
python3 (Most distros usually have it)
pynput (pip3 install pynput)
bash (Most distros should have it)
mplayer (For taking screenshots)
Examples: Arm after 10 seconds and save the image to users Desktop python3 -t 10 -p /home/user/Desktop
Arm immideately and do not lock, saves the directory it is run in by default python3 -t 0 -l
Skip capturing the frame but start playing noise python3 -n -c aplay -d 10 fuckedup.wav