Internal examination by assessing seven key performance indicators, and conducted an analysis of its competitors, by which I created an accurate roadmap for growth optimization.
The (fictitious) company is successfully growing but because of the newly opened delivery companies in the city Graz, the competition in the field is becoming huge. The strategy team has requested a competitor analysis which would help to create an accurate roadmap for growth optimization.
The data set has two documents:
1 - Internal data set with the columns: name, zip, kpi, Month 1, Month2 and delivery service 2 - Competition dataset with the columns: name, zip, orders, month, and delivery service
● NOTE: the excel file of the competition data has 2 sheets (Month 1 and Month 2)
● % Kill rate - the percentage of customers who did not order again on the platform after placing an order with the restaurant
● # Positive comment - number of reviews with positive comments
● # Negative comment - number of reviews with negative comments
● Avg time to accept (s) - the average time (in seconds) to accept an order
● Graz Relevant zip codes 8010, 8020, 8036, 8041, 8042, 8043, 8045, 8051, 8052, 8053, 8054, 8055, 8063, 8077
● # Commissionable Orders - the orders that deliverando earns commissions
● Avg Basket Size €- the number of products a customer buys per single transaction. This is calculated as the total number of units sold divided by total transactions
- How many restaurants are active on deliverando or our competitors in the given months (>0 orders per month)?
○ How much have the respective platforms grown?
How many restaurants are exclusively online with our competitors and not available on deliverando?
Which restaurants have placed the most orders with our competitors (top 10)?
○ Are these restaurants also active on deliverando and if so, ○ How did the orders on the deliverando platform compare to the performance on the competitor platform?
What conclusions regarding other KPIs can you draw from the performance of the top restaurants on deliverando?
Based on your analysis:
○ Which recommendations would you make to the strategy team?