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🚨 Note for Foundry v9 and later 🚨

The core functionality of this module was included directly into the LootsheetNPC5e with version or later.

If needed for any non 5e system, feel free to create an issue. I will very likely help get changes from the lootsheet back to this module to get you started.

🚨 Note for Foundry v9 and later 🚨

Loot Populater NPC 5E

This module allows you to enable automatic population of loot on placed tokens in D&D5e.

The module was inspired by LootSheetNPC5e and also is only really useful when using this in tandem. LootSheetNPC5e adds the capability and permission handling for players to actually loot items from tokens/actors.

Also recommended is the use of better rolltables, it will greatly improve you experience when working with rolltables.


Allows you to have automated random loot on NPCs when dropping them on the scene. If installed and activated, it can make use of better rolltables.

Tables can be chosen from World and Compendium.

Table priority when populating a token

  1. A actor has a rolltable assigned (via lootsheetNPC5e) this table will be used.
  2. A ceature type specific table is found (but no actor specific table) - this table will be used
  3. If a general default fallback table is set (nothing else)- this table will be used

Tokens will not be populated when

  • Skiplist active and creature type checked in skiplist


image image image

Example of filled inventory

On the left is the sheet of a token that was droped on the scene. The right hand sheet is directly from the actor.



  • FoundryVTT v0.7.10
  • FoundryVTT v0.8.6+
  • Tested with DnD5e system only.

Installation Instructions

To install a module, follow these instructions:

  1. Start FVTT and browse to the Game Modules tab in the Configuration and Setup menu
  2. Select the Install Module button and enter the following URL:
  3. Click Install and wait for installation to complete


If you have any suggestions or feedback, please submit an issue on GitHub or contact me on Discord (JackPrince#0494).