A toolbox for neovim to put your custom neovim functions, all invokable from vim.ui.select!
return {
keys = {
desc = '[S]earch [T]oolbox',
mode = { 'n', 'v' },
-- Remove this if you don't need to always see telescope's ui when triggering toolbox
-- keys = {} will cause toolbox to lazy load, therefore if it loads before telescope you
-- will see the default vim.ui.select.
-- If you want to use your custom vim.ui.select overrides, remember to add it into dependencies
-- to ensure it loads first
-- Note: This is safe to remove, it is just to ensure plugins load in the correct order
dependencies = { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' },
opts = {
commands = {
name = 'Close current tab',
execute = 'tabclose',
weight = 2,
name = 'Format Json',
execute = "%!jq '.'",
name = 'Print Vim table',
execute = function(v)
name = 'Copy relative path to clipboard',
execute = function()
local path = vim.fn.expand '%'
vim.fn.setreg('+', path)
name = 'Copy absolute path to clipboard',
execute = function()
local path = vim.fn.expand '%:p'
vim.fn.setreg('+', path)
name = 'Copy Vim table to clipboard',
execute = function(v)
vim.fn.setreg('+', vim.inspect(v))
tags = { 'first' },
name = 'Reload plugin',
execute = function(name)
package.loaded[name] = nil
tags = { 'first', 'second' },
config = true,
commands = {
--Note this is the identifier for the command as well
--@type string
name = ""
--if it is a function and it requires no params, it will be immediately invoked
--if it requires params, it will be shown in the command line
--if it is a string, it will be invoked via vim.cmd, similar to `:`
--@type string|function
execute = "" | function() end
--if set for string commands, it will populate the `:` command
--@type bool
require_input = false,
--When calling require('toolbox').show_picker(), you can pass it a tag
--Ex. require('toolbox').show_picker('first')
--Commands with the tag will be shown, if no tags are given when calling
--the function, it will show all commands available
--@type list
tags = {},
-- Higher weights will be placed higher in the list
-- Lower weights will be placed lower, you can use negative
-- numbers as well to put it at the end of the list
--@type number
weight = 0,
Call require('toolbox').show_picker()
, it accepts two optional arguments:
- Toolbox will filter your commands by specified tags in each command
- This will be passed to vim.ui.select as the
argument, see:help vim.ui.select
- If you are using a custom
implementation, you can add arguments here to achieve additional functionality, toolbox passes select_opts directly tovim.ui.select
, so anyvim.ui.select
overrides that use additional arguments will receive them as well
- This will be passed to vim.ui.select as the
For advanced users, toolbox contains a lower level function call show_picker_custom
that provides more control towards filtering (and sorting possibly in future).
does not require you to use tags for filtering, you can filter by
anything you want. Advanced examples are below
Filter commands by current filetype
opts = {
commands = {
{ name = "Copy full path", execute = ":let @+ = expand('%:p')" },
{ name = "Format JSON with jq", execute = ":%!jq", filetype = "json" }
{ name = "Format QML file", execute = ":qmlformat %", filetype = "qml" }
filter = function(command)
return command.filetype == vim.bo.filetype
}, { prompt = "Select " .. vim.bo.filetype .. " command" })