10 character string, ex drwxrwxrwx
1st char
or -
, d means directory, -
means file
, w
, x
can be present or -
(which means permission is not granted)
2, 3, 4 applies to the owner (user that created the directory)
5, 6, 7 applies to group
8, 9, 10 applies to everyone else
-rwxrwxrwx: A file where everyone can do everything
-rwxr-xr-x: A file where everyone can read and execute, but only the owner can write
drwxr-xr-x: A directory where everyone can read (ls the contents) and execute (cd into it), but only the owner can write (modify the contents)
drwx------: A directory where only the owner can read, write and execute
Subshell, not actually a command but more of syntax, allows you to run commands then inject the output of the command into another thing (Refer examples below)
Redirect stream to, redirects stdout
Redirect stream to, redirects stderr
Appends rather than write to file when compared to single variants above
To signify the end of command options, after which only positional ("non-option") arguments are accepted.1 2
grep -- -t
Before command ex.
Escape charecter ex.
mv file\ name.txt
- To escape spaces
New line when at end of the command
This will give you the last exit code
Rerun the previous command with sudo
sudo !!
: Create intermediate directories as required
Make multiple directories and subdirectories at once
mkdir -p ./home/{folder_a, folder_b}/{folder_x, folder_y, folder_z}
Make multiple files with similar names at once
touch file{1..10}.txt
Terminate a program
kill PID
Terminate a program using the SIGHUP (hang up) signal. Many daemons will reload instead of terminating:
kill -1|HUP process_id
Terminate a program using the SIGINT (interrupt) signal. This is typically initiated by the user pressing Ctrl + C
kill -2|INT process_id
Signal the operating system to immediately terminate a program (which gets no chance to capture the signal):
kill -9|KILL process_id
Signal the operating system to pause a program until a SIGCONT ("continue") signal is received:
kill -17|STOP process_id
change the permissions of any file or directory that you own
: recursive, do this to all the contents of the directory as well-x
: removes the executable permission from file+x
: adds the executable permission to file
: userg=
: groupo=
: others
Changing permissions recursively in a directory
chmod -R u=rwx,g=,o= DIRECTORY
Remove executable permission
chmod -x file.sh
: recursive, do this to all the contents of the directory as well
Change owner of entire directory recursively to root
sudo chown -R root DIRECTORY
: Case insensitive-v
: Returns the reverse of what you searching (what didn't match)
Grep from one file only
grep searchString fileName.txt
: Case sensitive-v
: Returns the reverse of what you searching (what didn't match)
--query \'celeste.zip
--query "'celeste.zip | 'celeste-osx"
: query with or|
--preview 'cat {}'
- 'celeste.zip:
searches exact match - 'celeste.zip | 'celeste-osx : or is
Piping output from fzf to cat/bat
cat $(fzf)
bat $(fzf)
to fuzzy find from current location
cd ~/Documents/**
kill -9 **
Return to last location
cd -
Pipe ls to grep/ripgrep to find specific file
ls -l | grep "Desktop"
ls -l | rg "Desktop"
eza -l | rg "Desktop"
: Insensitive name-name
: Case sensitive
Pipe find to grep/ripgrep to filter not include or include, you can chain them apparently
find . -iname pubspec.yaml | rg -v 'Dart-Code' | rg -v 'packages'| rg -v '/flutter'
find . -iname pubspec.yaml | grep -v 'Dart-Code' | grep -v 'packages'| grep -v '/flutter'
fd 'pubspec.yaml' | rg -v 'Dart-Code' | rg -v 'packages'| rg -v '/flutter'
: Find files with a specific extension-s
: Case sensitive-u
: include ignored and hidden files in the search, alias for --hidden and --no-ignore-t {type}
: Specify the type of thing to look for, file, directory etc.
Edit text in a scriptable manner (similar to :s
in vim)
: Does the replacement for the file in place
Pipe from a command and edit the output
command | sed 's/apple/mango/g'
Replace and write to file, don't use >
, it will result in blank file (only applies if you are reading and writing to the same file, you can use >
and <
for different files)
sed -i 's/apple/mango/g' pubspec.yaml
: Do not prompt for confirmation before overwriting-i
: ask for confirmation before overwriting-n
: prevents existing file from being overwritten
Move multiple files at once
mv file1 file2 file3 /path/to/destination
: ask for confirmation before overwriting-R
: use this if want copy directory
Copy multiple files at once
cp file1 file2 file3 /path/to/destination
: Check progress for individual files--info=progress2 --info=name0
: Check progress as a whole-a
: Archive mode, use this if you are making backups-z
: Whether to compress when sending--delete
: Delete at destination if origin does not exist (usually for backups)--remove-source-files
: Remove source files after deletion-r
: Copy dir recursively--dry-run
: Test run before actually copying-v
: Verbose, use it with dry run to check if dry run works
- How to Use the rsync Command to Transfer Files (Linux Crash Course Series)
- Linux/Mac Terminal Tutorial: How To Use The rsync Command - Sync Files Locally and Remotely
Rsync to a folder in a remote server (can be sync from server to local as well by reversing the username@ip...
with origin/
rsync -rv --dry-run origin/ username@ip.address.1.128:/dest/dest_folder
-d destination_folder
: unzip to particular folder-l path/to/archive.zip
: list without unzip
Unzip to same folder as the zip name
unzip file.zip
View diff for file
git diff filename.txt
View diff for staged file
git diff --staged filename.txt
List worktree
git worktree list
Remove worktree
git worktree remove worktree_folder
Add worktree for existing branch
git worktree add destination_folder branch_to_checkout
Add worktree for non existing branch
git worktree add destination_folder -b branch_to_checkout
Git blame see when the change was introduced (merged) into the branch instead of when the change was made (default behaviourw will ignore merge commits)
git blame --first-parent file
Git draw graph
git log --graph --oneline --all
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cd) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%n' --abbrev-commit --date=local --branches
Mounting an smb folder to a folder
mount -t smbfs //userneame@server_ip/folder ./mount_folder
Search through history with grep
history 50 | grep brew
Clear the whole terminal including scrollback buffer
tput reset
: creates a symlink, without this it creates a hard link
Create a symlink
ln -s /path/to/file_or_directory path/to/symlin
Ovewrite existing symlink
ln -sf /path/to/new_file path/to/symlink
Displays the last part of the file
: Keep reading the last few lines of the file until a <C-c> is pressed
Follow the changes in a log file
tail -f logfile
: Compact output-r
: Raw output, useful to pipe to other stuff
: get the keys instead of the valueslength
: get the length of a json array|
: always ouputs an array, can be combined with has inside the ()min
: selects the objects that fullfill the conditiondel()
: similar to select but deletes the keys from the json
Get json from clipboard and display it with colors
pbpaste | jq
Get json from clipboard, minifiy it -c
, and copy it back to clipboard
pbpaste | jq -c | pbcopy
Get specific field from json, use [n]
to get the nth element if its a list, leave it empty []
to get the whole list
cat filename.json | jq '.field.field[2]'
Create an array from the items and pipe to min
jq '[.[].price] | min' < temp.json
Select items based on condition
jq '.[] | select(.color=="yellow" and .price>=0.5)' fruits.json
: Convert json to yaml
Read from a file
cat pubspec.yaml | yq
yq eval pubspec.yaml
Get yaml from clipboard
pbpaste | yq
Get specific field name from yaml
cat pubspec.yaml | yq '.dependencies.libgit2dart'
Convert json to yaml
pbpaste | yq -Poy
yq -Poy thing.json
: Specifies a placeholder-n
: Number of args for the program input-P
: Number of processes per time
Execute a command with piped arguments coming from another command, a file, etc. The input is treated as a single block of text and split into separate pieces on spaces, tabs, newlines and end-of-file.
Run a command using the input data as arguments
arguments_source | xargs command
How to use -I
ls | xargs -I {} echo "/home/{}"
ls | cut -d '.' -f1 | xargs -I {} mv {}.txt {}.text
How to use -n
seq 5 | xargs -n 1 -P 1 bash -c 'echo $0; sleep 1'
seq 5 | xargs -n 2 -P 2
How to use -P
seq 5 | xargs -n 1 -P 2 bash -c 'echo $0; sleep 1'
Launch new shell to run commands
cat hostnames | xargs -I{} P4 sh -c "host -t A {} | tail -n1"
Print the fifth column (a.k.a. field) in a space-separated file:
awk '{print $5}' path/to/file
Print with comparison
awk '$2 >= 300 {print $1}' data.txt
Two Powerful Command Line Utilities 'cut' And 'tr'
Print a field range of each line with a specific delimiter:
command | cut -d "," -f 1
: Squeeze repeating characters-d
: Delete-c
: Complement (usually with-d
, delete everytheng except)
Squeeze repeating characters
echo "abc def" | tr -s ' ' ':'
Change lower to uppercase
echo "abc def" | tr -s '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
: This is not working on macos, usepstree
: Print information associated with the following keywords: user, pid, ppid, pgid, sess, jobc, state, tt, time, and command.aujx
: This variation can basically everything
TTY (terminal)
: started by system
: root process / process leader, has childS
: waiting for user input, can't be disturbedR
: actively runningT
: process is stopped (like moving process to background)
START : check start time of process
Show processes particular to this terminal session
Show all processes
ps x
: show which process started the connection-a
: show the state of all sockets (current connenctions and which tcp and udp ports are listening)-n
: shows only numbers and not names-p
: shows pid
: this can be used with or without a:port
, if no port then it shows all
: shows you the list of interfaces along with their IP and MAC addresses (the latter one only if applicable)-l
: list all available interfaces on the system, with no other additional informatio
To find current mac ip address
ifconfig -l | xargs -n1 ipconfig getifaddr
To find ipv4 / inet addresses
ifconfig | grep inet
Show the IP address of an interface:
ipconfig getifaddr interface_name
: number of requests-c
: number of concurrent requests to make at a time-t
: time limit-p
: File containing data to POST. Remember also to set -T-u
: File containing data to PUT. Remember also to set -T-T
: Content-type header to use for POST/PUT data, eg. 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Default is 'text/plain'-e
: Output CSV file with percentages served
Execute 100 HTTP GET requests to a given URL:
ab -n 100 url
Execute 100 HTTP GET requests, in concurrent batches of 10, to a URL:
ab -n 100 -c 10 url
Execute 100 HTTP POST requests to a URL, using a JSON payload from a file:
ab -n 100 -T application/json -p path/to/file.json url
Set the maximum number of seconds ([t]imeout) to spend for benchmarking (30 by default):
ab -t 60 url
Write the results to a CSV file:
ab -e path/to/file.csv