.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/DamLabResources/crseek.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/DamLabResources/crseek
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is a tool for designing complex CRISPR-Cas9 workflows using the popular SKlearn
For the impatient:
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.Alphabet import generic_dna, generic_rna
from crseek.preprocessing import OneHotTransformer
from crseek.estimators import CFDEstimator
from crseek.utils import cas_offinder
gRNA1 = Seq('ATGTTGAGTCAGTGAAGGTG', alphabet = generic_rna)
gRNA2 = Seq('ATGTTCAGTCAGTAAAGGTG', alphabet = generic_rna)
possible_hits = cas_offinder([gRNA1, gRNA2], 5, direc='/path/to/genome/files/')
cfd_est = CFDEstimator.build_pipeline()
target_scores = cfd_est.predict_proba(possible_hits.values)
See the notebooks in the paper/
folder for more examples.
These modules are modeled after the preprocessing modules in Sklearn
and are capable of comparing (spacer
, target
) pairs. The
outputs of these modules can either be fed further into the crseek
estimation tools or used for building one's own machine
learning methods.
These modules can take the outputs of preprocessed (spacer
, target
) pairs and estimate the likelihood of cleavage under numerous
assumptions. These modules implement .fit()
, .predict()
, and .predict_proba()
methods and are usable in all Sklearn
There is also a collection of utilities for manipulating sequence types, finding potential targets in sequences, and searching
long (potentially genome scale) sequences for cutting events. This includes a wrapper around the popular cas_offinder
tool for mismatch searches of large genomes using OpenCL-enabled devices. The searching methods have also been adapted to work with any
potential PAM allowing the tool to be used with non-standard Cas9 variants.
- Tight integration with
allows for the easy import, search, manipulation, and export of sequences. - Integration with
allows for the search of SAM/BAM files. - Preprocessing and Estimation tools intelligently deal with ambigious base calls in sequences allowing the tool to be used on draft-quality genomes.
Currently the installable modules are split between pip
and conda
tools due to multiple non-python dependencies.
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels r
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda create -yq -n crseek-environment --file requirements.conda
source activate crseek-environment
pip install -q -r requirements.pip
python setup.py install