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Octopus Energy + (TP-Link Kasa/Tapo) Smart Switch API Built as a replacement to IFTTT which I wasn't very happy with.


Date Description
2024-11-27 Modes : Introducing modes where Triggers can be assigned a mode where they work e.g. only >0 or <0 price
2024-12-09 Refactor : Refactor to enable Dependency Injection for Devices (Kasa Plugs) + move core code to library project
Note: Breaking changes : spelling correction done for some Environmental variables "Parition" to "Partition" e.g. Database_ActionGroupPartition
Also ActionGroup database entry has changed (GroupName replacing id)
2024-12-24 Breaking changes:
Kasa environment variables BaseURI split to AuthURI + DeviceURI
ActionGroup changed structure
2024-12-24 Added Tapo devices - also increased separation of Kasa code from main Library/code.
2025-01-12 Tapo : Call AuthenticateFirst from AuthenticateRefreshToken
+ Config bug fix - Inc breaking changes - some Tapo Env variables had a typo, renamed
2025-02-01 Retry functionality on Plugs - additions to appsettings/Environment variables
2025-02-13 ActionFailure - add additional details e.g. retry count or status code


Main project of the solution - Azure function app with four functions


Library file containing common code shared between EnergyIOT and EnergyIOTDataSetup


Console App used to enter data to CosmosDB (NoSQL). Based on an earlier developement version, so does things a little differently. A later addition includes creating/fetching the initial TP-link/kasa authentication token and refreshing it.

EnergyIOT : Azure Functions

There are four Functions. I have them within one Azure "Function App" - this makes deployment easier and allows them to share the same Environmental Variables etc.


Timed trigger: Runs every 30 mins to check current energy price against triggers. (Prices are per 30 min).

Cron expression : 0 */30 * * * *


Timed trigger: Runs hourly between 16:00 and 22:00 to get the updated prices (from Octopus, published after 4pm).

Cron expression : 0 0 16-22 * * *


Timed trigger: Runs on 1st +15th of the month at 00:15 to refresh the TP-Link/Kasa smart-plug API authentication token.

Initially had it as [00 0 1 * *] - midnight on the 1st of the month, but discovered that the token had expired on the 31st. Can't do an expression for every 30 days - so 1st and 15th it is. Set to 00:15 so it doesn't clash with price function.

Cron expression : 15 0 1,15 * *


Http Trigger: To insert an "Override" which stops the On/Off triggers from running for a set interval or time. Useful to keep the sockets on if needed during higher prices.


Http Trigger: To set the mode - enable/disable some triggers, currently: Default, Away or Off. Useful for longer term than an Override.

Platform choice

Other than the fact that I had some experience with them, the intention of using Azure Functions and Cosmos DB was to keep the cost as low as possible. In theory it should keep within the free tier.

To be free, Azure Function App needs to be of type Consumption Plan Notes on Azure Function pricing and (all your) CosmosDB's need to be within a certain throuput - 1000 RU's.

Configuration Files

There are several configuration files. In order to avoid loading private data to GitHub I've copied and renamed these files and put their original versions in the gitignore file. So you will need to rename these.


local.settings.json_EXAMPLE => Rename to local.settings.json

Replace values that are all ?'s e.g. "Email_Username": "???????????@????????.???",

This file is for local debugging - these values should be reproduced as environmental variables in the Azure Function.See below.

Contains numersous config information e.g. Database name, Cosmos DB container names (equivalent of tables), some (but not all) usernames, passwords etc.


appsettings.json_EXAMPLE => Rename to appsettings.json

Replace values that are all ?'s e.g. "Username": "?????.?????@?????.???",

Contains similar information to local.settings.json above (Database, container, names, usernames, etc) - but this app is just to be run locally.

DataImport.json_EXAMPLE => Rename to DataImport.json

Replace values that are all ?'s - in this file that will just be the Device ID of my Kasa plugs. e.g. "Deviceid": "????????????????????????????????????????????????",

This contains json of my Triggers and Actions for easy import into the database. Only sensitive informaiton is the DeciveIDs of my plugs.

Octopus Product + Tarrif Codes

In several of the config files and the Environmental Variables equivalent - you should also double check/update your Product Tarriff codes. Mine are for London:

In local.settings.json / Environment variables:

"EnergyAPI_Product": "AGILE-23-12-06",

"EnergyAPI_TariffCode": "E-1R-AGILE-23-12-06-C"

In appsettings.json:

"EnergyAPI": {
    "BaseURI": "",
    "Section": "/v1/products/",
    "Product": "AGILE-23-12-06",
    "SubSection": "/electricity-tariffs/",
    "TariffCode": "E-1R-AGILE-23-12-06-C",
    "EndSection": "/standard-unit-rates/"

Function Environmnent variables

Numerous configuration values are stored in the Azure Function Application Setttings / Environment Variables, for local debug these are in local.settings.json (See rename note above). See that file for these. In the Azure portal these can be set in the Azure Function App : Settings -> Configuration.

Replace required values for those with "?????" or your Octopus Product/Tariff.

Device (Kasa etc) Environment variables are just for intial/refresh authorisation (URL, login, password) after that the authorisation token + url is saved to the ActionGroup database collection and used from there for plug on/off.

As the four functions are in the Same Function App they share the values.

In addition to custom setting the following is used to run the Azure function on UK time (I am Uk based). "WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE": "GMT Standard Time" (It's worth noting that Octopus API returns energy prices using UTC, they are stored as such and the functions convert when needed.)

Database Config values

2024-11-27 Update : A new database collection to save config values. This was introduced for Modes so that they can be updated via Http Funcation. Environmental variables are not suited as they can't be updated across Functions from the function.

Triggers and Actions

The system is set up/worded in terms of triggers and actions.

Triggers : A condition to check e.g. price above/below certain condition.

Actions : The result to carry out if that considtion is met i.e. turn a plug on, off, or email.

Code exists for several different triggers. There is only one action type currently - TP-Link Kasa spart plugs

Hourly triggers - when fetched next day's prices.

  • Trigger_Hourly_NotifyPricesList - If prices found, email a list
  • Trigger_Hourly_PricesBelowValue - If price below set value, mention in the email
  • Trigger_Hourly_NotifyLowestSection - Calculate lowest daily section

Per price/30min triggers

They are similar to Octopus/IFTTT triggers but I left out the time interval.

  • Trigger_PerPrice_PriceAboveBelowValue - Trigger if price is above or below set value, depending if "Above" or "Bellow" in trigger name
  • Trigger_PerPrice_SectionLow - Calculate lowest period in the day for set number of 30min prices, trigger if in that time
  • Trigger_PerPrice_AverageAboveBelow - Trigger if current price above or below daily avaerage

Unlike IFTTT - they are not set for a specific timespan.

Http Function networking

To allow access to the HTTP trigger - be sure to add your IP address to the allow lis (or allow all). Mainly: Azure Home -> Function App -> Scroll down to Setting: Netowrking -> Add your home IP address

The Funtion code is set for "AuthorizationLevel.Function" access level i.e. it needs a Function or higher access key to be called. To get the Function Key, e.g.: Azure Home -> Function App -> Function (EnergyIOTOverride) -> Developer -> Function Keys

There are two Http Triggers


The pattern to calling ths Http Trigger is: https://[APP_NAME][APP_KEY]mode=[MODE]

Current modes:

Default: Standard PerPrice triggers

Away: Only >0 or <0 PerPrice triggers - intended to just charge powerbanks etc when price is below 0p

Off: Not assigned to any triggers, but intended to switch off triggers - a longer term solution than adding a long term Override


The pattern to calling the Http Trigger is: https://[APP_NAME][APP_KEY]&start=[NOW OR DATE-TIME]&interval=[NUMBER]

Where : is either just "Now" (without quotes) or Date-time inthe format : yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm e.g. 2024-05-08T00:00 The date/time is passed in Local (UK for me) and then converted and saved in UTC.

A successful insert will give the message: "Override Inserted"


Cosmos DB is used to keep the project within the free tier. Currently max RU on free tier is 1000, however I already have a container for something else - so have set the shared max RU to 400 for this. One of the Environment variables Database_DatabaseRUMax is used to keep updates within the RU.

Access to the Cosmos DB can be given either through allowing access to all of Azure (bad idea), via VNet or specific IP addresses. Free tier Azure functions cannot be put in a VNet, therefore you need to get the IP addresses the Function may use.

The outbound IP address of the functions is available in the portal, but not all possible IPs. Use the following AZ CLI commands. az functionapp show --resource-group [RESOURCEGROUPNAME] --name [FUNCTIONAPPNAME] --query outboundIpAddresses --output tsv

az functionapp show --resource-group [RESOURCEGROUPNAME] --name [FUNCTIONAPPNAME] --query possibleOutboundIpAddresses --output tsv

Octopus API

The Octopus API is well documented : Also handy - Guy Lipman simplified guide

Not needed to get prices, but for other calls you can get your Octopus API access key here

Only one endpoint is used to retrieve the daily prices. No authentication is needed for this.

E.g. of values, stored in Config file / Environment variables: EnergyAPI_Product: "AGILE-23-12-06" EnergyAPI_TariffCode: "E-1R-AGILE-23-12-06-C" Tariff Code varies depending on your location - the above is for London.

TP-Link Kasa plugs - API

Use of API to control TP-Link Kasa smart plugs. (I have 2x KP-115)

I initially bought Kasa plugs because they could be used with IFTTT - but I found this to be unreliable. It's worth noting that TP-Link seem to be slowly discontinuing the Kasa range. KP-105 (non energy monitoring) is listed as "End of Life" and my KP-115 are listed as "Product phasing out: Replace with Tapo P110".

I've not investigated the API possiblities of Tapo plugs.

The Kasa API is not documented officially, however various people have found out the basics of calls to the Kasa servers. This seems to work for now - but there's no guarantee that it will continue long term. One possible solution I've seen is to add the devices to the SmartThings platform and then control via API calls to that.

There are vaious libraries online for the use of Kasa Devices, but none I found were C# Some useful resources:

Jason's Docs - TP-Link Kasa Dev CheatSheet Alexandre Dumont/IT Nerd Space - Several articles on accessing the TP-Link Kasa API

Kasa Login

As document by this IT Nerd Space post to authenticate with the TP-Link API you need to obtain a TP-LInk Token. This is done via a POST API call to with payload:

 "method": "login",
 "params": {
 "appType": "Kasa_Android",
 "cloudUserName": "XXXXX",
 "cloudPassword": "XXXXX",
 "terminalUUID": "MY_UUID_v4",
 "refreshTokenNeeded": true

Where "MY_UUID_v4" is any UUID v4 you can generate e.g. . This is not covered in this solution - use something like curl or Postman to obtain the TP-link API token. Mor on refreshTokenNeeded below.

2 Factor Authentiction / 2FA / MFA

It's worth noting that TP-Link seem to have enforced 2 Factor Authentication after most of the resources I could find on TP-Link Kasa API authentication. Calling the above with 2FA on resulted in an error response saying the application was old. So you coul either switch off 2FA in the Kasa app,or better : switch it off temporarily, run the above to obtain the TP-link otken, then switch 2FA back on. This seems to work - the token will continue to work.

Authentication Token Duration

However - As of writing this (May 2024) the Kasa Authentication token seems to last 30 days (I had it expire on 31st after a refresh on 1st). So Initial authentication is done using the additional parameter refreshTokenNeeded This is not documented in most Kasa references, but is mentioned here :: tokenRefresh

Since a month is relatively short I added the additional EnergyIOTMonthly function to call the token refresh. The tokenRefresh call can be run with 2 FA switched on.

Kasa Devices

Once authenticated you need to find the endpoint (URL differ) and device ID for your Kasa Plugs

As per IT Nerd Space - How to get the TP-Link HS100 cloud end-point URL?

Make a Call to the TP-Link URI :[TOKENHERE] With Data payload:


And header: Content-Type: application/json

Check the appServerUrl value of the response, the URL can/is different from the above authentication calls e.g.

TP-Link Tapo plugs - API

I started with Kasa plugs as described above.

I later received a Tapo plug in exchange for a Kasa plug that had stopped working correctly.

Although both are TP-Link ranges and there are some similarities/cross-over functionality - the majority is different. Because I've not found have as muich information about Tapo plugs / their API - I've added some additional notes in a seperate readme/.md file :]


several elements use E-mail. Either to notify me daily of the next day's new prices or to notify me of any issues.

For this I've used my personal gmail account.

Rather than having to code for OAuth authentication I've gone the slightly easier route:

My Gmail account has two factor authentication switched on, and so for these functions I've created a seperate App-password. You can find some instructions here on Google. I believe similar functionality is available via Office365 etc.


Various useful References

Misc tools

UUID generator

Microsoft Learn links to resources about Azure Functions

Microsoft Learn - notes on Timer Triggers

Microsoft Learn links to resources about CosmosDB

Octopus API

The Octopus API Documentation ,sub section : Endpoint for prices

Octopus higher level API guide/references

Guy Lipman simplified guide

Get your Octopus API access key here

Octopus Smart Energy Forum (need to request a login)

Kasa API

IT Nerd Space - How to get the TP-Link HS100 cloud end-point URL?

Jason's Docs - TP-Link Kasa Dev CheatSheet

Alexandre Dumont/IT Nerd Space - Several articles on accessing the TP-Link Kasa API

Mention of tokenRefresh

Joshua's Docs - TP-Link Cloud, Kasa - Dev Cheatsheet

API calls for KASA strip plug: childId (Not used here, but maybe of use)


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