This Flask app deploys a Naive Bayes classifier model built from scratch, to Docker to be used for instant-classification of inputted reviews.
A model working in a Jupyter notebook is only 10% of the battle when it comes to full-stack Data Science & MLOps. I deploy a model e2e.
- ML Model deployment e2e
- Docker Deployment
- Flask app deployment
- Software Engineer a usable, interactive app beyond just deployment and classification
- Interactive animations based on classified sentiment
- Sleek, attractive design
- Get hands-on experience applying a Naive Bayes classifier by making it from scratch
With a balanced dataset of exactly 50% positive and 50% negative class (feeds into the Naive prior probability) and a custom NB model, we get weak results. Of course major improvements can be made by leveraging more powerful models that don't have the inherent naivety of prior probabilities.
Face Emoji with Emotion
Contact Form UI