This library uses the tvmaze API. All data is credited to them.
This documentation is a work in progress
pip install pytv
from pytv import Show, Schedule
Get schedule for current day:
>>>schedule = Schedule() >>>schedule.episodes [list of episodes]Get schedule for other days:
>>>schedule = Schedule(date='2011-25-12')Get a show:
>>>show = Show(show_id=1) >>> 'Under The Dome'
The Show class has the following attributes:
- episodes
- specials
- seasons
- cast
- crew
- next_episode
- summary
- name
- premiered
Search class:
init: variant, query, lookup
query: required if variant is in [show, singlesearch, people]
lookup: required if variant is lookup
variant options:
- show(default)
- singlesearch
- lookup
- people
- results (list if variant in [show, people] single object if other)
Search usage
from pytv import Search
search shows:
>>>search = Search(query='breaking bad') >>>search.results [list of results as Show objects]lookup tvdb id:
>>>search = Search(variant="lookup", lookup="thetvdb=81189") >>>search.results (Show object)