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DaBluLite edited this page May 15, 2024 · 3 revisions

1. What is DiscordColorways? What is Project Colorway? What is a Colorway?

Project Colorway is the goal to make websites easier to have a theming functionality. Project Colorway's API (WIP, will be released soon) and endpoints offer a simple way to handle "colorways", objects that define specific properties that allow for the API, or any sort of custom implementation to easily turn the 4 colors that these objects define into fully fledged CSS.

A colorway object looks something like this:

    name: "Colorway",
    author: "dablulite",
    authorID: "582170007505731594",
    accent: "#7cacf8",
    primary: "#282828",
    secondary: "#474747",
    tertiary: "#3c3c3c",
    colors: ['accent', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary']

DiscordColorways is an implementation of Project Colorway for Discord, building upon the colorway object with its own properties, such as:

    "dc-import": "", // The pre-built CSS of the colorway, specifically for Discord

DiscordColorways are accessible through these 3 means:

2. What do I need to use them?

  • A modded Discord client.

What, you want more requirements? Well then:

Required for both methods:

  • A modded Discord client of any sorts

CSS-only implementation:

  • Basic knowledge on using that mod's Custom/Quick CSS features
  • Basic knowledge of @import placement in CSS files (Meaning Always on top)


3. What are the rules for contributing a Colorway?

For DiscordColorways:

  • No unnessecary UI/UX modifications

For Project Colorway in general:

  • Colorway objects must include all of the fields included in the top of this page