Our Hackathon Project uses geofencing to prevent overcrowding of areas in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID 19. The way this works, and owner of a business decide they don't want more than a certain amount of people in an area they can set the area using longitude and latitude coordinates, the radius around that point, and the maximum amount of people allowed in that area. The Geofence tracks how many people enter an exit the area and has a count of the amount of people in the area and can send an alert when there are too many people.
Things that would need to be added to this project to make it a viable option for buildings include an app with functions for both employees in the building and managers monitoring the population in the designated area. In addition, we would need to code to use Google's geofencing API. We would also need to code to have an array of GeoFences that can be individually managed, since most buildings would have multiple areas they would want monitored.