Follow these steps accordingly to contribute to Hacktoberfest to earn swags and learn something about the open source contribution.
Website link on which you will contribute
Create a account on Github
Register yourself for Hacktoberfest.
This is the link of the repository that you guys will be contributing to.
Star this repository
Fork this repository on your profile
Open Terminal and type in these commands
$ cd Desktop
$ git clone (paste the url obtained from clicking on "Clone or download" option on YOUR OWN PROFILE)
$ cd Hacktoberfest
Add your name in file in this format
- Put your name
- Put your personal message
- Put the address of your github link , all in index.html file in the format shown below.
$ git remote add upstream
$ git pull upstream master
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m “your commit message”
$ git push --set-upstream origin master
Then, type your github username and password
Now open the repository which you forked in your account and click on the Compare and Pull Request
Open when your PR will be merged it will appear on the page (Even after the PR is merged, It will take some time for the page to update)