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v2.3.0: TWL Christmas Release 🎄

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@RocketRobz RocketRobz released this 25 Dec 08:49
· 92 commits to master since this release

Included in TWiLight Menu++ v27.12.3


  1. Download the .7z or .zip file.
  2. Extract the nds-bootstrap .nds and .ver files, to root:/_nds/.

Merry TWL Christmas!
Here are some presents to unwrap for this release! 🎁

  • Support for Pokémon Wii connection has been completely fixed! Any Gen 4 game will now connect with Pokémon Battle Revolution and/or My Pokémon Ranch! (Patch code by @Gericom)
  • For improved DSiWare compatibility flashcards (outside of B4DS mode), they will now run with the SDMMC mode redirected to DLDI R/W code, if the SDMMC register is enabled on ARM7, and if the flashcard is running in (full) DSi mode. (Patch code by @Gericom)
    • As a result, all NAND file reads are redirected to the flashcard.
    • If you're using TWLMenu++, DSiWare is copied to a temp location on DSi/3DS SD card by default, and saves will not work if the save location is set to the TWLMenu++ folder while running from DSi/3DS SD card.
  • Expanded the pre-loadable ROM size limit to use 128KB more of the main RAM, 32KB more of the DSi WRAM (making 512KB used), and now, the shared RAM (freed up from ARM7 by how the DSi WRAM is mapped)!
    • Total limit is now 12.4MB for DSi consoles, and 28.4MB for 3DS consoles!
  • Reverted back from SWI Halt/main loop hooking to IPC Sync hooking for when reading ROM from DSi/3DS SD card.
    • No issues with wireless communications have been noticed so far in Mario Kart DS & Metroid Prime Hunters during single-card play. Same issues from prior versions may still occur.
    • Should fix occasional freezing in Pokémon B&W 1&2.
  • Fixed AP-fix for Rockman EXE: OSS English translation not applying.
    • Requires the ROM to be opened and saved with the latest TinkeDSi nightly build.
    • Fixes Star Colosseum causing a crash when opening.
  • Fixed Tetris Party Deluxe not booting on 3DS consoles.
  • @edo9300: Fixed issues when running on SuperCard Rumble flashcarts.
  • Removed some duplicate cardEngine9i binaries to reduce nds-bootstrap's file size.