The Data Movement Enactor orchestrates the data movement between the different components. It also monitors updates to the two types of data sources: MySQL and minio. It utilizes SymmetricDS and Elasticsearch to read and log updates. Also uses grpc to communicate with the Data Access Layer, FTP to organise a shared space for file exchange and supports multiple sync backends, keycloak for auth to the DAL.
Python 3.5.2+
connexion == 2.2.0
python_dateutil == 2.6.0
setuptools >= 21.0.0
To run the server, please execute the following from the root directory:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m swagger_server
Along with the swagger server, a new thread is launched which monitors updates to the predefined datasources.
The template for the configuration of the DME is defined in the VDC shared config:
"elasticsearch_authenticate": {{.elasticsearch_authenticate}},
"elasticsearch_user": "{{.elasticsearch_user}}",
"elasticsearch_password": "{{.elasticsearch_password}}",
"ftp_host": "{{.ftp_host}}",
"ftp_user": "{{.ftp_user}}",
"ftp_pass": "{{.ftp_pass}}",
"db_user": "{{.symmetricds_db_user}}",
"db_pass": "{{.symmetricds_db_pass}}",
"db_host": "{{.symmetricds_db_host}}",
"db_port": "{{.symmetricds_db_port}}",
"db_name": "{{.symmetricds_db_name}}"
If these are not present, the DME reverts to sensible defaults so it can continue its execution.
Settings not fetched from the dynamic config:
shared_volume_system_path = 'move/'
#defines the root directory used by the sync backend to build the file structure
### Common HTTP requests config
max_retries = 3
backoff_factor = 3
#DE endpoint
de_endpoint = 'http://{}:50012'.format('localhost')
#DS4M endpoint
ds4m_endpoint = 'http://{}:30003'.format('localhost')
#How the endpoints for the Deployment engine and Decision System for movement are generated.
#Redis default settings
redis_host = 'localhost'
redis_port = 6379
#The name of the elasticsearch index to be used to log DB updates
db_update_es_index = 'dme-db-updates'
#The schema for the ES document related to DB updates
db_update_es_settings = {
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1,
"number_of_replicas": 0
"mappings": {
"db_update": {
"dynamic": "strict",
"properties": {
"query": {
"type": "text"
"target_dal": {
"type": "text"
"timestamp": {
"type": "date"
The Swagger definition lives here:
To launch the integration tests, use tox:
sudo pip install tox
To run the server on a Docker container, please execute the following from the root directory:
# building the image
docker build -t swagger_server .
# starting up a container
docker run -p 50055:50055 swagger_server