Reproducible material for Geophysics - Wang N. and Ravasi M. submitted to Geophysics.
install_conda: conda env create -f environment.yml && conda activate UD_RM
This repository is organized as follows:
- 📂 udrm: python library containing routines for upside-down RM method;
- 📂 dataset: folder containing data
- 📂 notebooks: set of jupyter notebooks reproducing the experiments in the paper (see below for more details);
The following notebooks are provided:
- 📙
: notebook performing data processing using PZ summation; - 📙
: notebook performing data processing using PZ summation and source-deghosting; - 📙
: notebook performing Green's function retrieval for Syncline model; - 📙
: notebook performing Green's function retrieval for Syncline model using sparse inversion; - 📙
: notebook performing Green's function retrieval for Overthrust model when velocity model is variable; - 📙
: notebook performing Green's function retrieval for Overthrust model using sparse inversion when velocity model is variable; - 📙
: notebook performing Green's function retrieval for Syncline model in an imaging area; - 📙
: notebook performing Green's function retrieval for Overthrust model in an imaging area.
To ensure reproducibility of the results, we suggest using the environment.yml
file when creating an environment.
Simply run:
It will take some time, if at the end you see the word Done!
on your terminal you are ready to go. After that you can simply install your package:
pip install .
or in developer mode:
pip install -e .
Remember to always activate the environment by typing:
conda activate UD_RM