Reproducible material for A hybrid approach to seismic deblending: when physics meets self-supervision - Luiken N., Ravasi M., Birnie, C. submitted to NeurIPS 2022.
We are grateful to the authors of the PyTorch implementation of the High-Quality Self-Supervised Deep Image Denoising
2019 NIPS paper, who we have adapted to handle structured noise. Some of the codes provided in ssinterp.model
are cleaned-up versions of the original
This repository is organized as follows:
- 📂 ssinterp: python library containing routines for deblending by inversion with a self-supervised denoiser;
- 📂 data: folder where the MobilAVO dataset must be placed (note that the data can be downloaded from this
link (follow instructions under
External links
tab)) - 📂 notebooks: set of jupyter notebooks reproducing the experiments in the paper (see below for more details);
- 📂 scripts: set of python scripts used to run multiple experiments with different input parameters for the ablation studies
- 📂 figures: folder where figures from various script experiments will be saved.
- 📂 results: folder where results from various script experiments will be saved for later analysis.
The following notebooks are provided:
- 📙
: notebook displaying the impulse response of the blind-network used in this work; - 📙
: notebook performing benchmark deblending by inversion in CCG domain using a patched fourier sparsity transform; - 📙
: notebook performing benchmark deblending by denoising in CCG domain using the proposed self-supervised network; - 📙
: notebook performing benchmark deblending by inversion in CCG domain using the proposed PnP algorithm; - 📙
: notebook performing benchmark deblending by inversion in CRG domain using the proposed PnP algorithm; - 📙
: notebook display results from ablation studies;
To ensure reproducibility of the results, we suggest using the environment.yml
file when creating an environment.
Simply run:
It will take some time, if at the end you see the word Done!
on your terminal you are ready to go.
Remember to always activate the environment by typing:
conda activate ssdeblend
Disclaimer: All experiments have been carried on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.10GHz equipped with a single NVIDIA GEForce RTX 3090 GPU. Different environment configurations may be required for different combinations of workstation and GPU.