22/09/21 DECA port DeMiSTified by somhic from original MiST gameboy https://github.com/mist-devel/gameboy.
Special thanks to Alastair M. Robinson creator of DeMiSTify for helping me. I've also added some of his solutions from https://github.com/robinsonb5/gameboy like phase shift at SDRAM_CLK, and content from firmware/config.h and overrides.c.
Read this guide if you want to know how I DeMiSTified this core.
Original module sound errors and signed/unsigned troubles have been arranged thanks to @rampa069.
Check additional READMEs into each board folder.
Follows original readme.md content:
This is source code of a gameboy implementation for the MIST.
It's based on the t80 CPU core. A minor fix was needed for the "LD ($FF00+C)" instruction.
The audio implementation has been taken from the PACE framework. The original file is available in the pacedev svn.
Binaries are available at https://github.com/mist-devel/mist-binaries/tree/master/cores/gameboy.