(Partial) NEPViewer replacement for desktop/laptop computers
Utility files to view selected data uploaded by NEP micro inverter systems to the cloud, instead of using the official iOS/Android NEPViewer app. (Note: This also works for rebranded NEP micro inverters, e.g. those distributed by Anker or Nuasol.)
Use this if you want an interactive day display ... and are willing to do the
following: Temporarily disable CORS in your web browser (e.g. using CORS
Everywhere with
Firefox, which thankfully automatically enables the CORS security feature again
on each start of Firefox),
then load NEPviewerCR+.html
, with your micro inverter's serial number
appended in the address like this file:///.../NEPviewerCR+.html?SN=efcdab78
The serial number must be as provided in registering your micro inverter with
the NEPViewer server.
Initially the current day's power and energy curves, the most recent seven days', the most recent twelve months', and the most recent years' cumulative energy will be displayed graphically. Using the date selection control in the top left of the screen, the power curve for any other day can be displayed.
Try moving your mouse pointer over the day curves or their legend, or zooming in on that plot for (much) more interactivity! (...with the data for your solar system, once you see it in your browser, as described here. The example screenshot I provide below is static.)
Note: In the monthly bars, each complete (!) month's day's output is missing. This is exactly as in the original NEPviewer app.
If a static snapshot of your solar system's performance is sufficient for you
(or you're not willing to (temporarily) disable CORS in your browser), there's
also NEPviewerCR+.py
Usage: python NEPviewerCR+.py serno [yyyymmdd]
If all you want is a non-interactive plot of a day's power and energy curves,
you can also use NEPviewerCR.py
Usage: python NEPviewerCR.py serno [yyyymmdd]
This uses smoothened curves by default. If you prefer jagged curves, as in the
other tools, set smooth = False
in the source code.
There's also NEPstatusCR.py
, which can be used on the command line to get the
most recent status of a micro inverter registered with the
NEPViewer server.
(Replace efcdab78
with your micro inverter's serial number!)
$ python NEPstatusCR.py efcdab78
80 W / 0.048 kWh on 2024-08-20 07:38 (941.257 kWh total)
can be used to copy your micro inverter's daily output details
to local *.json
files (placed in the current directory).
Usage: python NEPgetCR.py serno
Data for the current day will not be fetched, as it may still be incomplete.
plots your micro inverter's daily output progress (energy and
maximal power readings), using local *.json
files (see NEPgetCR.py
for how to get those).
Usage: python NEPdaysCR.py *.json
plots your micro inverter's daily output in a calendar
format, using local *.json
files (see NEPgetCR.py
above for how to get
Usage: python NEPcalendarCR.py *.json
Should you prefer to have the energy bars colored similar to the original
NepViewer's Watt meter, set colorful = True
in NEPcalendarCR.py
compiles data from local *.json
files (see NEPgetCR.py
above for how to get those) into a *.csv
file for use in spreadsheet
applications e.g.
Usage: python NEPjson2csvCR.py *.json
uses data from a local *.csv
(see NEPjson2csvCR.py
above) to create a comprehensive view of all (?) of your micro inverter's
interesting data, plotting power readings and mean system temperatures
over time of day in a calendar format, as well as providing cumulative
energy output values.
Usage: python NEPpowertempCR.py *.csv