PGQL to Sparksee Query Algebra
A library to translate a PGQL query to the SparkseeQueryAlgebra.
### Current status ###
It's usable for some queries, but the full PGQL language is not supported yet. Some parts of the language are still missing, like PATHS, indgree/outdegree, ...
The result Sparksee Algebra Query may use operators only available in a not yet published Sparksee release.
You will need the Oracle/PGQL-LANG.
Then you can build the package with:
mvn assembly:assembly
The method "public String ProcessPGQLQuery(String query)" from the class "SparkseePGQL" is what you need to translate a PGQL query to the Sparksee Query Algebra.
You can also use the client command line application to translate a PGQL query like this:
java -cp target/SparkseePGQL-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.sparsity.SparkseePGQL.Client -a -f src/test/resources/test.pgql
Or if you also want to create a small sample database and run the query in sparksee:
java -cp target/SparkseePGQL-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.sparsity.SparkseePGQL.Client -a -c -db test.gdb -f src/test/resources/test.pgql
The test.pgql file contains PGQL queries ended by a "?" character.