An open source project from Data to AI Lab at MIT.
This package allows autotesting of different datasets, steganographers, and steganalyzers. Using this package, extensive and thorough experiments can be carried out efficiently for a number of algorithms. Example configuration files are included as well as sample demo results. For quick-start, please refer to the manual below.
- Documentation:
- Homepage:
StegBench is a steganography orchestration package for the evaluation of both steganaographic and steganalysis methods. The system orchestrates extensive experimentation of steganographic procedures through the use of short, easy-to-use configuration files.
StegBench has been developed and tested on Python3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
Also, although it is not strictly required, the usage of a virtualenv is highly recommended in order to avoid interfering with other software installed in the system in which StegBench is run.
These are the minimum commands needed to create a virtualenv using python3.6 for StegBench:
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p $(which python3.6) stegbench-venv
Afterwards, you have to execute this command to activate the virtualenv:
source stegbench-venv/bin/activate
Remember to execute it every time you start a new console to work on StegBench!
With your virtualenv activated, you can clone the repository and install it from
source by running make install
on the stable
git clone
cd stegbench
make install
If you want to contribute to the project, a few more steps are required to make the project ready for development.
Please head to the Contributing Guide for more details about this process.
In this short tutorial we will guide you through a series of steps that will help you getting started with StegBench.
Please proceed to this TUTORIAL to get started with StegBench
StegBench also supports a command line interface. To get started, please have stegbench installed in your system and then type in
stegbench --help
This will give you a list of the commands. You should get the following output:
For each command you can type the command followed by --help to retrieve information specific to that command.
Configuration files provide StegBench with an easy-to-use set of descriptors that define how your steganographic processes operate. Please take a look at some of the example configuration files in the examples/ folder. Each .ini configuration will be labeled by the steganographic procedure's name. This configuration must then follow a restricted specification which only allows for two algorithm types ('detector' | 'embeddor').
Each algorithm type will have it's own specific set of specifications as documented in the online manual here: CONFIGURATION.MD.
For more details about StegBench and all its possibilities and features, please check the documentation site.