Projects, playgrounds, and notes made while following along with Apple's book App Development With Swift.
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
1 - Getting Started | Light: A minimalist flashlight app 🔦 | Xcode, Interface Builder, and connecting outlets and actions between them | ✅ |
2 - Intro to UIKit | Hello: An app for introducing someone. | Configuring views in Interface Builder :::: Customizing labels :::: Customizing image views | 🚧 |
2 - Intro to UIKit | Auto-Layout Calculator | Using nested vertical and horizontal stack views to display a calculator that fits lays out cleanly across size classes | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
2 - Intro to UIKit | Apple Pie: A hangman-style word guessing game | Building a game interface with nested vertical and horizontal stack views :::: Responding to events and updating complex interfaces based on game state changes | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
3 - Navigation and Workflows | Traffic Segues | Using programmatic and Storyboard-based segues to construct multiple levels of view transitions :::: Reading segue identifiers :::: Different segue animations. | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
3 - Navigation and Workflows | Login | Using programmatic and Storyboard-based segues to orchestrate a login page flow. | ✅ |
3 - Navigation and Workflows | Rainbow Tabs | Relating a TabBarController to child view controllers and customizing the tab bar button icon for each | ✅ |
3 - Navigation and Workflows | Life Cycle | Debugging and viewing the lifecycle events of view controllers as they're called between two transitioning controllers | ✅ |
3 - Navigation and Workflows | Mythical Creature Personality Quiz | View Controller Containment :::: Encapsulating views in nib :::: communicating game state across controllers and transitions :::: More fun with stack views, Auto Layout, and interface controls 😀 | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode | Surface Coater | Detecting vertical and horizontal planes in the world :::: Overlaying different colored planes on differently aligned surfaces | ✅ |
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode | AR Shots: Shooting hoops with AR Objects and tap detection | Translating user taps into real-world positions :::: Placing 3D objects when discovered planes are selected :::: Adding physics to an AR scene :::: Positioning new objects relative to the camera's current position. | ✅ |
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode | AR Image Finder: Designing a treasure hunt game based upon pre-loaded reference images | Enabling image detection :::: Specifying which images to locate in the physical world :::: Responding to the discovery of an image :::: Performing simple animations with SceneKit objects | ✅ |
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode | AR Drawing: Allow users to choose SceneKit shapes and models from menus and place them in their own scene. | Creating nodes from primitive shape settings :::: Loading nodes from a directory of .scn files :::: Changing rendering logic according to user control settings :::: Removing previously added nodes to "Undo" actions |
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4 - Tables and Persistence | Emoji Dictionary | Creating grouped table with data sources and static tables via Storyboards :::: Allowing add/edit/delete functionality in a grouped table | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
4 - Tables and Persistence | Hotel Europa: An app for hotel staff to register guests. | Building custom, intuitive, user-friendly forms to create new model objects and/or track important information. :::: Using custom protocols to pass data between view controllers. :::: How and when to use certain controls for collecting data. :::: Dynamically resizing table view cells. | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
5 - Leveraging the Web | MusicWireframe: Wireframe of the Apple music app to implement button and player image animations. | Animating as a response to user interaction | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
5 - Leveraging the Web | ContestEntry: Animate based upon the current state of a form. | Animating a text field — or seguing if it has text | ✅ |
Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
5 - Leveraging the Web | NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day: Displaying information from the NASA APOD API. | Building out a networking layer for asynchronously loading data. :::: Transforming raw Data into models and using them in views. :::: Using loading spinners to provide network activity feedback to users |
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Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
5 - Leveraging the Web | iTunes Search API: Allow users to search the iTunes Search API for different media types and view their results in a table view. | Using UISearchController and scopes for filtering requests. :::: Architecting networking logic :::: Debouncing search tasks to allow for continuous typing in a search bar. :::: Updating the size of the URL cache to temporarily save images. |
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Unit | Project | Topics Covered | Progress |
5 - Leveraging the Web | Restaurant Menu: An interactive menu for a restaurant that allows the customer to view a list of offerings, add items to an order, and submit the order to the restaurant. | Modeling data returning by a server API :::: Architecting networking logic :::: Lazilly fetching images from URL information :::: Maintaining "cart" state in a state controller :::: Dependency-injecting state controllers :::: Communicating loading events using NotificationCenter :::: Saving and restoring application state across app loads | ✅ |