Project 3: Udacity's Front-End Nanodegree Classic 2D arcade game replicates the classic arcade game frogger
Download/clone to computer to play.
Use the keyboard arrow keys to move the player around the game board to reach the top of the board -player can move left, right, up and down with the arrow keys
Avoid contact with those devious lady bugs who cross the road! -if the player comes in contact with the bugs, the player will be sent down to its starting location at the bottom center of the board
Game is over or won -when the player reaches the river at the top wall
- Victory modal
- Many enemies with different speeds move across the board
- Collision detection between player and enemy
- Player moves in left, right, up and down directions on the screen
- JS[ES6]
- Special thanks and appreciation to the Grow with Google and Udacity Front End Scholarship Program!
I used these sources to complete this project: MDN(, W3Schools(,,, Matthew Cranford's walkthroughs,,,
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