express": "^4.18.2
mongodb": "5.0
npm install express mongodb@5.0
You can add your mongoDB URI in index.js directly
const uri = "mongodb+srv://username:password@uri"
or set and 'URI' environment variable for that as follows
export URI="mogodb+srv://username:password@uri"
This also needs a 'PORT' environment variable you can set it as follows:
export PORT="port_number"
Default port will be 8080. If 'PORT' variable is not present.
Then add your 'DATABASE' and 'COLLECTION' name in index.js as follows
const database = client.db("Database_name");
const collec = database.collection("Collection_name");
You will also need to change uri in src/js/login.js
sendData("protocol://uri/cred", { data });
You can start you server by running
node index.js
NOTE: The index.html uses bootstrap CDN for CSS not bootstrap npm package.