Warning This game was a hobby project back in high-school almost a decade ago. The code-base is very messy and not optimized and there are a lot of bugs that need to be fixed. Despite that, this project taught me a lot about networking an is a full working MOBA using vanilla javascript, some JQuery, a mongoDB database, and sockets.
This game is a MOBA-like game where 2, 4, or 6 players battle it out to gain control of a center point. There is a full account system in place along with Exp, leveling, gold, and stats.
This is the account page
I've also implemented stats and a win rate
Once you start a match it takes you into a planning page where you see all your opponents.
Then the battle begins. You start out by picking an element each play a little differently (Water: More Health and regen, Fire: More Damage, Less Health, Etc)
I based the stats off of League Of Legends (Attack, Attack Spd, Life Steal, Etc).
These increase with items you buy throughout the game and can be upgraded to increase strength.
The goal of the game is to capture the center point (100%) you do so by shooting bullets that deal damage based on the items you have.
I've also implemented a chat, leaver feature (will end the game if someone refreshes), and a bullet guide (currently disabled) The database is MongoDB and is located in app.js
This link is no longer accessible You can test it at http://powerful-depths-52127.herokuapp.com (User: aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd; Pass is 123 for all or you can create your own)