Gloss tracks games. Get information about bundles, giveaways, market items, daily deals, and more via Discord webhooks, Steam chat notifications, and Web push notifications.
This repository houses Gloss's open-source components and tools to test them. While this generally isn't enough to make your own copy of Gloss, we plan on making outside contributions and some tasks open-source to allow others to inspect and improve them.
contains a mock class that implements Gloss's Task
class's methods.
To test tasks, first make sure you have all of this package's dependencies installed:
npm i
Then place your Task in the "tasks" folder. Now you can run it using the provided TaskManager mock (note that your task must implement Task):
node TaskManager.js Task1 Task2 Task3 ...
Or you can run TaskManager using npm:
npm run task -- Task1 Task2 Task3 ...