Render a 3D view of a Minecraft skin using PHP.
Project first developed by supermamie. Later transalated to English by cajogos.
My goal is to fix some issues and hopefully create full support for the 1.8 skins (1.8 support is now partly done).
The URL containing most of the options:
Note: The old parameters by supermamie will still work.
With less parameters:
This example will only set the user to Notch, head rotation to -20 and AA (image smoothing) to true. You can add parameters by adding &<parameter>=<value>
to the end of your URL.
Supermamie's old parameters will still work.
Parameters are now optional (exept for user
), so you can now only add those you need.
= Minecraft's username for the skin to be rendered. Requiredvr
= Vertical Rotation-25 by default
= Horizontal Rotation35 by default
= Horizontal Rotation Head0 by default
= Vertical Rotation Left Leg0 by default
= Vertical Rotation Right Leg0 by default
= Vertical Rotation Left Arm0 by default
= Vertical Rotation Right Arm0 by default
= Either or not to display hairs. Set to "false" to NOT display hairs.true by default
= Either or not to display the ONLY the head. Set to "true" to display ONLY the head (and the hair, based on displayHair).false by default
= The format in which the image is to be rendered. PNG ("png") is used by default. Set to "svg" to use a vector version and "base64" for an encoded base64 string of the png image.png by default
= The size of the "png" image. The default and minimum value is 2.12 by default
= Anti-aliasing (Not real AA, fake AA). When set to "true" the image will be smoother.false by default
= Apply extra skin layers.true by default
You can use the script for direct browser output (via the URL method as mentioned above), but also as a class for your scripts. Example:
include_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/3d.php');
$player = new render3DPlayer('Notch', '-25', '-25', '10', '5', '-2', '-20', '2', 'true', 'false', 'png', '12', 'true', 'true'); //render3DPlayer(user, vr, hr, hrh, vrll, vrrl, vrla, vrra, displayHair, headOnly, format, ratio, aa, layers)
$png = $player->get3DRender();
echo "<br/>====<br/>PNG:<br/>====<br/>";
echo $png; // TrueColor image
$player = new render3DPlayer('Notch', '-25', '-25', '10', '5', '-2', '-20', '2', 'true', 'false', 'base64', '12', 'true', 'true'); //render3DPlayer(user, vr, hr, hrh, vrll, vrrl, vrla, vrra, displayHair, headOnly, format, ratio, aa, layers)
$base64 = $player->get3DRender();
echo "<br/>========<br/>Base 64:<br/>========<br/>";
echo $base64; // Base64 string
$player = new render3DPlayer('Notch', '-25', '-25', '10', '5', '-2', '-20', '2', 'true', 'false', 'svg', '12', 'true', 'true'); //render3DPlayer(user, vr, hr, hrh, vrll, vrrl, vrla, vrra, displayHair, headOnly, format, ratio, aa, layers)
$svg = $player->get3DRender();
echo "<br/>====<br/>SVG:<br/>====<br/>";
echo $svg; // SVG String
- Fixed dark blue skins;
- Fixed not working SVG images (Bug in cajogos fork);
- Fixed non-transparent PNG images rendering incorrect (Fix is a bit experimental);
- Fixed incorrect rendering texture parts;
- Made the old parameters by supermamie work again;
- Made 1.8 skins work;
- Made 1.8 skins base layers render;
- Added QUICK fix for 1.8 extra skin layers;
- Added ability to output an encoded base64 string of the image;
- Added optional AA (image smoothing) parameter;
- Reformatted the entire code;
- Made it possible to use the script as class;
- Made all parameters optional;
- Made Steve the fallback image.