Here's a collections of Gif Wallpapers Thanks to imgur🤍
- Anime Wallpapers - A collection of high-quality anime wallpapers.
- Pixel Wallpapers - Retro and nostalgic pixel art wallpapers.
- GIF-HyPaperlls Collections 1 - Gif collections part 1 (anime).
- GIF-HyPaperlls Collection 2 - Gif collections part 2.
- GIF-HyPaperlls Collection 3 - Gif collections part 3.
- GIF-HyPaperlls Collection 4 - Gif collections part 4.
Simply click on the links to access the resources. Feel free to contribute by suggesting more resources!
If you have a resource you think should be included, please:
- Fork this repository.
- Add your resource to the list in the file, following the existing format.
- Submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.