- He/Him
- 18 years old
- Currently just trying to improve me coding abilities in: C#, HTML/CSS/JS, Python, and others
- Looking for friends who enjoy coding to work on a project with
- Discord: Cyphe Mercury#9288
// Please feel free to contact me whenever I'd be happy to chat
- Email: cyphe371@gmail.com
- Cyphe Mercury
// My main site if you want to know more about me
- Prosody
// A web rhythm game I'm making
The boxes are just if I'm working on them or worked on it until a playable state with all the main features
- Fire Fragment Online (FFO)
//An Open-World Fantasy FPSMMORPG like the game shown is SAO S2, "GGO"
- Morania
// A 2d top down open world mmorpg with a dark souls like combat system
- Project Noroi
// A extension of Morania where players can create their own custom (Very customizable) magic spells that can be customized however the player wants. Did I mention that the spells can be very customizable.
- Project Noroi
- Prosody
// A 4k web rhythm that other can upload maps to and have accounts similar to osu!mania
- Aria Engine
// Eventually after I finish prosody || A game engine type thing allowing others to make web rhythm games
- Aria Engine
- Project Experience
// A whole group of projets that (most) link together
- Incremental
// A game heavily inspired by Epic Hero Incrememnt
- 4-Letter Words
// A project for FBLA (Link: https://schiytu37.itch.io/4-letter-words)
- Incremental