Custom Cru Ansible Modules.
The modules can be run as a pre-task to gather Oracle related information at the beginning of a playbook.
Gather Oracle facts on the host(s) you're running your playbook against.
- name: Configure oracle
hosts: oracle
- name: Gather Oracle facts on destination servers
- debug: msg="{{ orafacts }}" # only needed to see return results,
# not needed to use them
Sample output:
"database_details": {
"credsp": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"services": "credspapp",
"version": ""
"fscmp": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"services": "fscmpapp",
"version": ""
"hcmp": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"services": "hcmpapp",
"version": ""
"jfprod": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"services": "jfprodapp",
"version": ""
"orcl11g": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"services": "",
"version": ""
"orcl12c": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"services": "",
"version": ""
"orcl19": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/19.0.0/dbhome_1",
"services": "",
"version": ""
"sbl8p": {
"domain": "",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"services": "sbl8papp",
"version": ""
"databases": [
"orafacts": {
"+ASM1": {
"home": "/app/19.0.0/grid",
"pid": "6779",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "19.0.0"
"11g": {
"db_version": "",
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"opatch_version": "",
"srvctl_version": ""
"12g": {
"db_version": "",
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"opatch_version": "",
"srvctl_version": ""
"all_dbs": {
"credsp1": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "11"
"fscmp1": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "12"
"hcmp1": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "12"
"jfprod1": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "12"
"orcl11g1": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "unk"
"orcl12c1": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "unk"
"orcl191": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "unk"
"sbl8p1": {
"metadata": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"version": "11"
"cluster_name": "plrac",
"credsp1": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"pid": "19779",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": ""
"fscmp1": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"pid": "14102",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": ""
"grid": {
"home": "/app/19.0.0/grid",
"version": ""
"hcmp1": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"pid": "30198",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": ""
"host_name": "plrac1",
"is_rac": "True",
"jfprod1": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"pid": "30977",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": ""
"lsnrctl": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"log_file": "/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/plrac1/listener/trace/listner.log",
"parameter_file": "/app/19.0.0/grid/network/admin/listener.ora",
"version": ""
"node1": "plrac1",
"node2": "plrac2",
"nodes": {
"node1": "plrac1",
"node2": "plrac2"
"orcl11g1": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"pid": "15291",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": ""
"orcl12c1": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"pid": "1807",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": ""
"orcl191": {
"home": "/app/oracle/19.0.0/dbhome_1",
"pid": "7511",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": "19.0.0"
"sbl8p1": {
"home": "/app/oracle/",
"pid": "17501",
"state": "ONLINE",
"state_details": "OPEN",
"status": "ONLINE",
"target": "ONLINE",
"version": ""
"scan": {
"ip1": "<internal ip removed>",
"ip2": "<internal ip removed>",
"ip3": "<internal ip removed>",
"scan_listener": "<scan-listener.domain here>"
"tns_admin": "/app/19.0.0/grid/network/admin",
"tnsnames": "/app/19.0.0/grid/network/admin/tnsnames.ora"
"changed": "False",
"invocation": {
"module_args": {}
"msg": "RAC Environment"
To use returned values:
use this reference in Ansible:
"{{ orafacts['11g']['home'] }}"
to return value:
or for example, if your dest_db_name = credsp
use this reference in Ansible:
"{{ database_details[dest_db_name]['oracle_home'] }}
to return value:
requirements: cx_Oracle
Get Oracle Database facts from a remote (source) database (ie, a database not in the group being operated on). Used when cloning or refreshing a database and the source database is located on a different host/environment. i.e. running a clone in the test environment and the source is located in the production environment.
- name: Configure oracle
hosts: oracle
- local_action: sourcefacts
systempwd="{{ database_passwords[source_db_name].system }}"
source_db_name="{{ source_db_name }}"
source_host="{{ source_host }}"
become_user: "{{ local_user }}"
- debug: msg="{{ sourcefacts }}"
Sample output:
"sourcefacts": {
"archivelog": "True",
"audit_file_dest": "/app/oracle/admin/sblcrmp/adump",
"background_dump_dest": "/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/sblcrmp/sblcrmp1/trace",
"bct_file": "+FRA/sblcrmp/rman_change_track.f",
"bct_status": "ENABLED",
"cluster_database": "True",
"compatible": "",
"core_dump_dest": "/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/sblcrmp/sblcrmp1/cdump",
"db_block_size": "8192",
"db_files": "200",
"db_files_actual": 147,
"db_recovery_file_dest": "+FRA",
"db_recovery_file_dest_size": "3072000M",
"db_unique_name": "sblcrmp",
"dbainfo": {
"schema_exists": "False",
"table_exists": "False"
"dbid": 11049205,
"diagnostic_dest": "/app/oracle",
"dirs": {
"DATA_MIG": "/datamig",
"DATA_PUMP_DIR": "/app/oracle/",
"DP": "/ora/share/dp/sblcrmp",
"diskgroups": {
"data": "DATA1",
"fra": "FRA"
"host_name": "",
"is_rac": "True",
"log_dest": {
"db_create_file_dest": "+DATA1",
"db_create_online_log_dest_1": "+DATA1"
"major_version": "11",
"open_cursors": "2000",
"oracle_home": "/app/oracle/",
"oracle_version_full": "",
"pga_aggregate_target": "24576M",
"ps": "False",
"ps_fin": "False",
"ps_hr": "False",
"ps_owner": "None",
"remote_listener": "prod-scan",
"remote_login_passwordfile": "EXCLUSIVE",
"sga_max_size": "171798691840",
"sga_target": "163840M",
"siebel": "True",
"spfile": "+DATA1/sblcrmp/spfilesblcrmp.ora",
"use_large_pages": "ONLY",
"user_dump_dest": "/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/sblcrmp/sblcrmp1/trace",
"version": ""
"changed": "False",
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"db_name": "sblcrmp",
"debugging": "False",
"host": "",
"ignore": "True",
"refname": "sourcefacts",
"systempwd": "<password entered printed here>"
"msg": "Custom module dbfacts, called as refname: sourcefacts, succeeded for sblcrmp1 database."
To use returned values:
use this reference in Ansible:
"{{ sourcefacts['11g']['compatible'] }}"
to return value:
Requirement: cx_Oracle
This module connects as sysdba to a database. This is helpful when the database is in restricted access mode like during duplication, startup mount etc.
# if cloning a database and source database information is desired
- local_action:
module: sysdbafacts
syspwd: "{{ database_passwords[source_db_name].sys }}"
db_name: "{{ source_db_name }}"
host: "{{ source_host }}"
pfile: "{{ /complete/path/and/filename.ora }}" (1)
oracle_home: "{{ oracle_home }}" (2)
refname: "{{ refname_str }} (3)"
ignore: True (4)
become_user: "{{ utils_local_user }}"
register: sys_facts
(1) pfile - optional. If provided a pfile will be created to the specified directory/filename
(2) refname - name used in Ansible to reference these facts ( i.e. sourcefacts, destfacts, sysdbafacts )
(3) ignore - True will do a non-fatal exit of the module.
False will cause the module to stop the play execution when encountering an error.
Gather RMAN spfile backup facts for the source database. Used during a database restore.
Notes: sourcefacts must run prior to rmanfacts or the user must pass values required to run rmanfacts.
Only retrieval of spfile backup info is currently supported.
- name: Configure oracle
hosts: oracle
- name: Gather RMAN spfile backup facts for source database
rman_pwd: "{{ database_passwords['rman'].rco }}"
dbid: "{{ sourcefacts['dbid'] }}"
source_db: "{{ source_db_name }}"
bu_type: spfile
ora_home: "{{ oracle_home }}"
staging_path: "{{ oracle_stage }}"
- debug: msg="{{ rmanfacts }}"
Sample returned values:
"rmanfacts": {
"spfile": {
"1": {
"backup_date": "04-JAN-2018 04:34:04",
"compressed": "YES",
"copies": "1",
"device": "DISK",
"key": "875837",
"level": "F",
"pieces": "1",
"status": "A",
"tag": "DD",
"type": "B"
To use returned values:
"{{ rmanfacts['spfile']['1']['backup_date'] }}"
returns the value:
"04-JAN-2018 04:34:04"
Module to interface with srvctl
(1) Use when master_node else it may try to execute on all nodes simultaneously.
(2) It's possible to start instance nomount, mount etc. but not to alter instance mount, or open. To open the instance using the srvctl module you must stop the instance then start instance mount, or start instance open. It is possible to "sqlplus> alter database mount" or "alter database open". The status change will then be reflected in crsstat.
# To start | stop a database or instance from Ansible using srvctl
- name: start database
db: {{ dest_db_name }}
cmd: stop
obj: instance
inst: 2
stopt: immediate
param: force
ttw: 7
when: master_node Note: (1)
db: database name
cmd: [ start | stop ]
obj: [ database | instance ]
inst: [ valid instance number ]
stopt: (stop options): [ normal | immediate | abort ]
(start options): [ open | mount | nomount | restrict | read only | read write | write ]
param: [ eval | force | verbose ]
ttw: time to wait (in min) for status change after executing the command. Default 5.
(1) Use when master_node else it may try to execute on all nodes simultaneously.
(2) It's possible to start instance nomount, mount etc. but not to
alter instance mount, or open. To open the instance using the srvctl module
you must stop the instance then start instance mount, or start instance open.
It is possible to "sqlplus> alter database mount" or "alter database open".
The status change will then be reflected in crsstat.
Module to compare Oracle database versions and return the lesser version and whether it was required ( True / False ) for the datapump export/import operation.
This module was needed for automating datapump transfers between dissimilar database versions.
Ansible playbook call:
- name: Compare database versions
module: compver
ver_db1: "{{ sourcefacts['version'] }}"
ver_db2: "{{ destfacts['version'] }}"
become_user: "{{ utils_local_user }}"
register: ver_comp
when: master_node
required: true
The results are referred to using the reference name 'compver' in the jinja2 templated par file:
{% if compver is defined and compver.required.lower() == 'true' %}
version={{ compver['version'] }}
{% endif %}
Requirement: cx_Oracle
Module returns internal database settings and parameters, such as v$parameters, database version, host name, archive log mode, database id, ASM diskgroup names and whether the diskgroup is connected to the database Open cursors setting Block Change Tracking (enabled/disabled) pga_aggregate_target, etc.
Call from Ansible playbook:
- name: Get source Oracle database information
module: dbfacts
systempwd: "{{ database_passwords[source_db_name].system }}"
db_name: "{{ source_db_name }}"
host: "{{ source_host }}"
refname: sourcefacts
ignore: True
become_user: "{{ utils_local_user }}"
register: src_facts
when: source_host is defined
tags: always
requires cx_Oracle
permission on the local system is required, so become user would be set to the linux value of 'whoami'.
in the above example utils_local_user variable = 'whoami'.
refname parameter allows you to change the reference name of the Ansible facts returned. Default reference name is 'dbfacts'
Requirement: cx_Oracle
Module Used with Cru's custom Ansible Oracle database automated restore to finish a restore.
Once the RMAN portion of the restore is complete, and restoring to point in time, this module opens a SQL prompt to execute: RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL CANCEL CANCEL ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE EXIT It then returns control to the Ansible playbook to finish RAC'ing the database, reset passwords etc.
Call from Ansible playbook:
- name: Finish SQL part of database restore
db_name: "{{ dest_db_name }}"
when: master_node
Module monitors listener control status waiting for a database to register with the local listener. Used when cloning a database after startup nomount command is issued. This module slows playbook execution down so the following tasks don't fail because the database isn't ready.
Call from Ansible playbook:
- name: wait for database to register with local listener
db_name: "{{ db_name }}"
lsnr_entries: 2
ttw: 5
when: master_node
lsnr_entries - the number of entries to expect to find in 'lsnrctl status' for the database.
If listener.ora has an entry 2 should be expected.
ttw - Time to Wait (ttw) is the amount of time to wait ( in minutes ) for the entries to appear before failing.
Module to create an alias in the ASM diskgroup for the spfile
Call from Ansible playbook:
- name: Map new alias to spfile
db_name: "{{ db_name }}"
asm_dg: "{{ asm_dg_name }}"
when: master_node
The resize function has been moved to the utils GUI app. Download from the Cru DBA Team drive.
This module is used to flush redo logs prior to taking a backup.
FLUSH: Regarless of what supposed to happen when a database is shutdown for backup, we've experienced times when all archivelogs were not written to disk. By running this before a hot or cold backup, this will ensure all archivelogs are flushed to disk before the backup.
The module looks at the current state and executes 'ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT' commands until all archivelogs have cycled and flushed their contents to disk.
RESIZE: Resizes redo logs to whatever size is provided in the parameters.
Call from Ansible playbook:
- name: Flush redo logs
module: redologs
connect_as: system
system_password: "{{ database_passwords[dest_db_name].system }}"
dest_db: "{{ dest_db_name }}"
dest_host: "{{ dest_host }}"
function: flush
is_rac: True/False
ignore: True
debugmode: True/False
debuglog: /path/to/debug.log
become_user: "{{ local_user }}"
register: redo_run
ignore - tells the module whether to fail on error and raise it or pass on error
and continue with the play. Default is to fail.
### rmandbid - RMAN Database ID
Requirement: `cx_Oracle`
Module queries the RMAN database to retrieve a databases' id (dbid)
Call from Ansible playbook:
# Retrieve the dbid of a given database.
- local_action:
module: rcatdbid
systempwd: "{{ database_passwords['cat'].system }}"
cdb: "cat"
pdb: "catcdb"
schema_owner: rco
host: "{{ source_host }}"
refname: your_reference_name
become_user: "{{ local_user }}"
refname (optional) - any name you want to use to referene the data later in the play
defualt refname is 'rmandbid'
### sectblcnt - Security Table Count
Requirement: `cx_Oracle`
Security Table Count module - or any table count. This module takes a list of tables and their count to verify they exist in a given schema for export prior to a refresh.
Note: This module could ensure the existance of any tables by providing the schema name in the ps_admin parameter and the list of tables for 'security_table_list' along with the count 'num_sec_tables'
Predefined variables: ps_admin: bob num_sec_tables: 2 security_table_list: "PSACCESSPROFILE,PSOPRDEFN"
Call from Ansible playbook:
- local_action:
module: psadmsectblcnt
ps_admin: "{{ ps_admin }}" (1)
table_list: "{{ security_table_list }}" (1)
systempwd: "{{ database_passwords[source_db_name].system }}"
db_name: "{{ dest_db_name }}"
host: "{{ dest_host }}"
refname: "{{ refname_str }}" (2)
ignore: True (3)
become: yes
become_user: "{{ utils_local_user }}"
register: sec_tbl_count
when: master_node
(1) ps_admin, table_list and num_sec_tables - are defined in
num_sec_tables is used after the count is obtained to fail if
the count is less than expected.
Fail when:
- sectblcount[ps_admin]['security_table_count'] < num_sec_tables
(2) refname - can be defined to refer to the output later. The default
is 'sectblcount' ( see above Fail when statement )
but the user can define anything.
(3) ignore - (connection errors) is optional. If you know the source
database may be down set ignore: True. If connection to the
source database fails the module will not throw a fatal error
to stop the play and continue. However, not if the result is critical.
### setcntrlfile - Set Control File
Set controlfile module - `Obsolete`
This module would startup nomount a down database and set the controlfile based on what was in ASM diskgroup.
Obsolete because at times there were more than one controlfile in the ASM diskgroup and it was impossible to tell which was current.
# this will look in ASM for new control files and then
# startup nomount a down database and set the control_files parameter
# in the database. i.e control_files = +DATA3/stgdb/controlfile/current.404.989162475
- name: Set control_files parameter in db with new controlfile name.
db_name: "{{ dest_db_name }}"
db_home: "{{ oracle_home }}"
asm_dg: "{{ database_parameters[dest_db_name].asm_dg_name }}"
when: master_node
The ASM diskgroup ( asm_dg_name ) the database is in can be entered with or without the + ( +DATA3 or DATA3 )
The database name ( db_name ) can be entered with or without the instance number ( tstdb or tstdb1 )