Common components for various services of Event Data. Tests run in Docker, but this is distributed as a Clojure library.
[event-data-common "0.1.47"]
A key-value storage protocol. Includes real storage interface for Redis and S3, and a test-only in-memory storage.
Implementation of storage for Redis plus other features like pub-sub for lightweight notifications.
Implementation of storage for AWS S3.
Verify that a JWT has been passed into a header. More than one secret can be supplied in configuration. Generate secrets.
Send updates to the Status Service.
Various date and time functions, mostly connected to archiving.
Try and re-try functions in a threadpool. For robust connection to external systems.
Throttle execution of execution for given functions and arguments. Used by Agents e.g. to only check a given URL every X seconds.
Broadcast and recieve from ActiveMQ queues. Contains sender and listener with thread-local cached connection objects. The queue connection is configured upon construction, so this namespace does not directly use the configuration values.
Unit tests:
time docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml run test lein test :unit
Integration tests require you to set environment variables S3_KEY
in a .env
file. NB this performs quite a lot of activity talking to AWS S3. An empty bucket should be provided.
time docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml run -w /usr/src/app test lein test :integration
If the bucket is not empty, tests will still pass, but it may take a long time to clear the bucket. The AWS command-line tools provide a quick parallel way to empty a bucket:
source .env && aws s3 rm --region $S3_REGION_NAME --recursive s3://$S3_BUCKET_NAME
All tests:
These have the same requisites for integration tests.
time docker-compose -f docker-compose-tests.yml run -w /usr/src/app test lein test :all
The following configuration keys must be set in any code that uses these libraries:
For the Event Bus:
For whitelisting:
For checkpointing
(agent prefix is an accident of history)
To distribute:
- Tag release
lein deploy clojars
To use use a local repository when developing new functionality against agents:
lein clean && lein uberjar && rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org.crossref && lein localrepo install target/uberjar/event-data-common-0.1.30-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar event-data-common "0.1.30-SNAPSHOT"
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Distributed under the The MIT License (MIT).