author: Michał Powała
source repository: Shop
- For business requirements go to Task
- For API Documentation go to API Doc
- For Architecture/Design notes go to Architecture
- Install docker and Docker Compose
- Clone repository
- Go to repository root directory
- Build and run containers:
docker-compose up -d
- Get into cli docker container:
docker-compose exec cli bash
- Install dependencies:
composer install
- Generate schema:
php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
- Run unit tests:
- Start symfony server:
symfony server:start -d
- Play with API with some kind of a Client, address is:
- Go to repository root directory
- Run containers:
docker-compose up -d
- Get into cli docker container:
docker-compose exec cli bash
- Start symfony server:
symfony server:start -d
- Play with API with some kind of a Client, address is: