Reports Archiware P5 client data to MunkiReport.
Archiware provides data management software for backup, synchronization & archiving for small-medium sized businesses & the media/entertainment industry.
- host_id - VARCHAR(255) - Client ID number
- port - Integer - Port Server is running on
- platform - VARCHAR(255) - Platform client is running on (linux, freeBSD, windows, macOS)
- p5_version - VARCHAR(255) - P5 software Version
- uptime - VARCHAR(255) - Amount of time P5 software has been running
- archive_plan - VARCHAR(255) - If ArchivePlan is licensed and amount of licenses available
- backup_plan - VARCHAR(255) - If BackupPlan is licensed and amount of licenses available
- sync_plan - VARCHAR(255) - If SyncPlan is licensed and amount of licenses available
- backup2go - VARCHAR(255) - If Backup2Go is licensed and amount of licenses available
- client - VARCHAR(255) - If Client is licensed and amount of licenses available
- thin_client - VARCHAR(255) - If ThinClient is licensed and amount of licenses available
- virtual_client - VARCHAR(255) - If VirtClient is licensed and amount of licenses available
- device - VARCHAR(255) - If Device is licensed and amount of licenses available
- jukebox - VARCHAR(255) - If Jukebox is licensed and amount of licenses available
- desktop_links - VARCHAR(255) - If Archive App is installed and amount of licenses available