A mobile friendly React app that encourages user to walk around the city, find, save, and explore all Vancouver Public Art Works using an interactive map. Photo gallery and art work descriptions are provided.
Server built using Node, Express, MySQL. Client developed with React, Express, Leaflet, and Mapbox.
Data provided from the City of Vancouver Open Data Portal.
Install modules inside client and server folders
npm install
Map tiles will require a Mapbox token which can be obtained after signing up. Alternatively the OpenStreetMap tile layer can be uncommented in ArtMap.jsx. See instructions inside
on how a Mapbox token is composed.Sample token:
URL_CUSTOM_OUTDOORS = `https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/${USERNAME}/${STYLE_OUTDOORS}/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x?access_token=${ACCESS_TOKEN}`;
After having decided on a tile layer rename
and it will be kept local by.gitignore
City of Vancouver Public Art Work data is included under
It was downloaded from the City of Vancouver Open Data Portal Public Art. -
The resulting seed file has already been included. This is how it was generated:
The original data needed to be formatted so it could be loaded into the MySQL database as a seed file. It also required adding photo jpg URLs for each art work by retrieving them from the city. The process is broken down as much as possible into two steps, formatting and then adding missing URLs.
cd server/data/csv-to-seed-data node Step1-csv-to-json node Step2-json-to-json
Open the file created and add
module.exports =
in front of the art work array. Place the file insideserver/seed_data
Create tables and seed data
npm run migrate && npm run seed
Inside client and server folders
npm start
Run and enjoy!