Simulates skills client-side, eliminating ping-based delays and animation lock.
- Lancer: All
- Brawler: Most besides Rampage, Divine Wrath, Meat Grinder, High Kick, Counterpunch
- Warrior: All besides Backstab, Staggering Counter, Smoke Flanker
- Slayer: All besides Exhausting Blow, Backstab
- Berserker: Thunderstrike, Cyclone, Axe Block, Raze, Flatten, Tackle, Staggering Strike, Bloodlust, Dash
- Sorcerer: All besides Stone Skin
- Archer: All besides Penetrating Arrow, Feign Death
- Reaper: All besides Cable Step, Soul Reversal
- Gunner: Blast, Rolling Reload, Burst Fire, Mana Missiles, Balder's Vengeance, Replenishment, Scattershot, Time Bomb, Arc Bomb, Point Blank, HB
- Ninja: All
- Valkyrie: All
- Priest: All
- Mystic: All
- [*] Fixed small positional errors with teleports causing you to clip through solid entities
- [*] Fixed abnormalities not being re-applied after resurrecting
- [*] Fixed chain-on-release skills causing incorrect jitter compensation
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Evasive Roll
- [*] Fixed Berserker: Staggering Strike resets
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Arcane Barrage failing to detonate at high ping
- [*] Fixed Ninja: Combo Attack appearing to continue from the last hit after being interrupted
- [*] Fixed Valkyrie: Ragnarok
- [+] Added jitter compensation (disabled by default)
- [+] Added Gunner: Arc Bomb
- [~] Updated abnormality prediction system
- [*] Fixed behavior of SKILL_RETRY_ALWAYS and disabled by default
- [*] Fixed Lancer: Backstep RE cost
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Arcane Barrage not being able to detonate immediately at high ping
- [*] Fixed Ninja: Combo Attack sideways movement
- [+] Added Sorcerer: Fireball, Teleport Jaunt, Flame Pillar, Mindblast, Time Gyre, Burning Breath, Nerve Exhaustion, Mana Infusion, Mana Siphon, Mana Volley
- [+] Added Gunner: Mana Missiles
- [+] Added Priest: Mana Charge
- [+] Added Mystic: Retaliate
- [~] Always retry skills by default (better consistency for Warrior's Charging Slash, Gunner's Burst Fire, etc.)
- [*] Compatibility with mods that modify skill packets
- [*] Force end type 9 on CC/death and type 6 on 0 or non-same-skill interrupt (fixes some cases of stuck in animation on CC/death)
- [*] Fixed Sorcerer: Lightning Trap and Meteor Strike speedcast powerlinks
- [*] Fixed Archer: Rapid Fire retries interrupting the combo and Sequential Fire error messages
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Point Blank occasionally going on cooldown after the first hit
- [~] Update for new sysmsg
- [*] Correct charging speed algorithm
- [+] Support abnormality correction (game bugfixes)
- [+] Added Berserker: Thunderstrike, Cyclone
- [+] Added Sorcerer: Arcane Pulse
- [+] Added Archer: Radiant Arrow
- [*] Fix regressions with multi-stage actions + dashes
- [*] Fix infinite stage loop for final charging stage
- [*] Correct charging speed algorithm + animation override
- [*] Fix Slayer: Heart Thrust incorrectly interrupting Knockdown Strike
- [*] Fixed broken animations due to malformed S_ACTION_STAGE
- [*] Fixed Mystic: Teleport Jaunt and Boomerang Pulse incorrectly interrupting themselves
- [+] Support basic charging, timed press-and-hold and chain-on-release skills
- [+] Added Gunner: Arcane Barrage
- [+] Added Mystic: Arun's Vitae, Arun's Tears, Corruption Ring, Vow of Rebirth (lockon)
- [*] Fixed incorrect animation IDs after teleporting
- [*] Fix race-based knockdown/stagger detection
- [*] Teleport skills now send S_INSTANT_MOVE (fixes delay)
- [*] Update S_ABNORMALITY_BEGIN to V2 (fixes parsing errors from other mods)
- [*] Fixed Lancer: Shield Barrage speed buff from Combo Attack
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Evasive Roll distance
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Scattershot recoil glyph
- [*] Fixed Valkyrie: Shining Crescent interrupting itself at high ping
- [*] Fixed Mystic: Metamorphic Blast and Metamorphic Smite incorrectly interrupting a few skills
- [+] Added S_DEFEND_SUCCESS support
- [+] Added Lancer: Shield Counter
- [~] Default SKILL_RETRY_MS from 50 > 60
- [*] Emulate S_CANNOT_START_SKILL (fixes occasionally not being able to jump or use skills after death)
- [*] Fixed Warrior: Not being able to chain Blade Draw from Cross Parry (after releasing button) or Torrent of Blows in Defensive Stance
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Point Blank rubberbanding
- [*] Fixed Valkyrie: Dream Slash incorrectly interrupting itself + speedcast glyph
- [*] Fixed Valkyrie: Spinning Death third hit being able to cast multiple times
- [+] Added C_NOTIFY_LOCATION_IN_ACTION rainbow tables (player location desync reduction)
- [+] Added Ninja: Shadow Jump, Decoy Jutsu, Chakra Thrust, Clone Jutsu
- [*] Fixed Brawler: Boss occasionally turning while tanking
- [*] Fixed Brawler: Punch > Counter chains at high ping
- [*] Fixed Berserker: Raze and Flatten incorrectly interrupting Flatten
- [+] Added all Valkyrie skills
- [+] Added S_INSTANT_MOVE support
- [*] Prevent skills from being retried while dead
- [+] Added Warrior: Combo Attack, Evasive Roll, Battle Cry, Assault Stance, Defensive Stance, Death from Above, Charging Slash, Rising Fury, Deadly Gamble, Smoke Aggressor, Command: Attack, Command: Follow, Pounce, Reaping Slash, Binding Sword, Infuriate
- [+] Added Archer: Tenacity, Chase
- [+] Added Ninja: Impact Bomb
- [*] Fixed character sometimes becoming stuck in animation upon death
- [*] Fixed jumping after using a skill without an equipped weapon
- [*] Fixed Warrior: Blade Draw incorrectly chaining from the first hit of Rising Fury
- [*] Fixed Warrior: Rain of Blows > Reaping Slash chain during Deadly Gamble
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Startling Kick clipping through gates
- [*] Fixed Sorcerer: Glacial Retreat clipping through gates
- [+] Emulate S_INSTANT_DASH
- [+] Added Ninja: Skyfall, Circle of Steel, One Thousand Cuts, Bladestorm, Smoke Bomb
- [*] Fixed Sorcerer: Meteor Strike animation during Warp Barrier
- [*] Fixed Ninja: Combo Attack behavior, Fire Avalache chain
- [*] Prevent using skills without an equipped weapon
- [+] Allow array for requiredBuff
- [+] Added Warrior: Torrent of Blows
- [+] Added Ninja: Fire Avalanche, Jagged Path
- [*] Fixed Warrior: Cross Parry with pre-65 Defensive Stance
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Several chains
- [*] Fixed Reaper: Smite > Double Shear chain
- [~] Abnormality system updated for new tera-data-parser
- [*] Stagger/knockdown is now detected by skill group
- [*] Disable skills during pushback/stun
- [*] Fixed Warrior: Several skills interrupting Backstab
- [*] Fixed Reaper: Several skills interrupting Cable Step, and Smite interrupting several skills
- [+] Re-Added Slayer: Headlong Rush
- [~] Updated for new tera-data-parser
- [~] Removed Z axis fom dash teleport correction
- [*] Fixed Lancer: Charging Lunge speed
- [*] Fixed chains and length for a few Slayer skills
- [+] Added Dash & Teleport support
- [+] Added Lancer: Charging Lunge, Master's Leash
- [+] Added Slayer: Evasive Roll
- [+] Added Reaper: Sundering Strike
- [+] Added Mystic: Teleport Jaunt
- [*] Fixed interrupting multi-stage actions
- [*] Fixed clipping for iframes with negative movement
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Combo Attack
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Knockdown Strike interrupting Headlong Rush
- [*] Add forced clipping to iframes (fixes being able to iframe through gates)
- [*] Fixed incorrect parameters for multi-part skills
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Combo Attack
- [*] Temporarily disabled Slayer: Headlong Rush
- [+] Added Slayer: Combo Attack
- [*] Fixed emulation of cast-while-moving (Reaper: Grim Strike, Smite)
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Heart Thrust, Stunning Backhand, Fury Strike, Whirlwind, Startling Kick, Headlong Rush, Leaping Strike, Overpower, In Cold Blood, Dash, Tenacity
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Knockdown Strike speed buff
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Combo Attack x4 > Overhand Strike chain
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Overhand Strike interrupting Ultimate Overhand Strike, Eviscerate interrupting itself
- [*] Fixed Slayer: Measured Slice (chained) and Ultimate Overhand Strike (chained) movement
- [+] Added Slayer: Knockdown Strike, Measured Slice, Overhand Strike, Heart Thrust, Eviscerate, Leaping Strike, Whirlwind, Stunning Backhand, Distant Blade, Startling Kick, Fury Strike, Headlong Rush, Overpower, Tenacity, In Cold Blood, Dash
- [~] Updated for tera-proxy 2017-03-14
- [*] Fixed user-controlled movement for Reaper: Grim Strike, Smite
- [+] Support controlled skill movement
- [+] Added Reaper: Death Spiral, Double Shear, Grim Strike, Pendulum Strike, Whipsaw, Smite, Shadow Burst, Retribution, Shadow Reaping, Shrounded Escape, Shadow Step
- [*] Fixed interrupting non-emulated multi-stage skills sometimes causing your character to become stuck in animation
- [+] Added Berserker: Fiery Rage
- [*] Unknown button release packets no longer update your current location (fixes player teleporting after interrupting a charging skill)
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Blast sometimes interrupting its own animation (client bug)
- [*] Fixed Berserker: Raze and Flatten interrupting Vampiric Blow
- [*] Added skill movement for Berserker: Tackle, Staggering Strike
- [*] Updated skill IDs to include Intimidation stance for Berzerker: Axe Block, Raze, Flatten, Staggering Strike
- [*] Fixed Onslaught chain regression
- [+] Added abnormality prediction system (currently unused)
- [~] Abnormalities are now calculated after chains
- [*] Fixed Warrior animations during Deadly Gamble: Blade Draw, Scythe, Rain of Blows
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Point Blank second hit interrupting itself
- [*] Fixed Gunner: Balder's Vengeance being set to variable-speed