BankId for Czech republic
Only OAuth authorization code method is available at this moment.
import {bankIdCz, grantTypes, responseTypes} from 'bankid_cz'
const bankid = new bankIdCz({
isProduction: true,
OAuth: {
clientId: <client_id>,
clientSecret: <client_secret>,
redirectURI: 'http://localhost:3030/oauth/callback',
grantTypes: [grantTypes.authorization_code],
responseTypes: [responseTypes.code],
scope: [
AuthorizationURI is automatically added to banks list.
await bankid.getAuthorizationURI(state?: string);
await bankid.loadBanks(state?: string);
After redirection to redirectURI, the code is returned as query param.
await bankid.exchangeCode(code: string);
After this, accessToken is stored in memory and used in future requests.
Access token is optional. If used, it will be used instead of the stored one by exchangeCode method.
await bankid.loadProfile(accessToken?: string);
await bankid.loadUSerinfo(accessToken?: string);