- Compile your .ISplg Plugins using the documentation below. These plugins are used for the (NISZSE).
- Download The Latest Compiler.
- Create a file named source.txt in the same directory as the compiler.
- Then open it and look at the Documentation or the Provided Example.
- Need Help with Save-Data? We got you covered with this Repo.
- This Compiler was made for the NISZSE (New Ice Station Z Save-Editor).
- Download The Latest Converter.
- Have the .Zplg in the Same Directory as the Converter.
*Adding a Creator Name.
Creator = Sound&SpeakerZ
*Adding a Plugin Mode.
Load_Files = 1
*Go-To Byte #.
Seek_File_1 = 32
*Edit Found Byte.
Edit_Byte_1 = 9999
*Developer Note.
Develop_Notes = Edits Save-Data Health To 9999.
Creator = Cracko
Load_Files = 2 # Can be from value "one" to a value of "three". "three" allows you to seek and edit data a total of "three" times.
Seek_File_1 = 32
Edit_Byte_1 = 9999
Seek_File_2 = 36
Edit_Byte_2 = 9999
Developer_Notes = This Plugin Edits your Health & Food/Hunger.
- Load_Files = 3 is the max value accepted.
Load_Files = 3 >>> Edit_Byte_3 & Seek_File_3
Load_Files = 2 >>> Edit_Byte_2 & Seek_File_2
Load_Files = 1 >>> Edit_Byte_1 & Seek_File_1
- This is the output of Compiler. Used the .ISplg from Here.
2 # Pna or sebz inyhr "bar" gb n inyhr bs "guerr". "guerr" nyybjf lbh gb frrx naq rqvg qngn n gbgny bs "guerr" gvzrf.
Guvf Cyhtva Rqvgf lbhe Urnygu & Sbbq/Uhatre.
-Tutorial Here.