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How to use library


  • Jumping Drone
  • Computer on Windows
  • Wireless

Basic usage (Console Application):

SumoController ctrl = new SumoController();
if (ctrl.Connect())
	// Make a square
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		run = true;
		// forward about 1m
		Task.Run(() => { while (run) ctrl.Move(40, 0); } );
		run = false;
		// Turn 90°
		ctrl.QuickTurn((float)Math.PI / 2);



SumoController offer basic move of jumping drone:

use Move(sbyte speed, sbyte turn) to forward and turn

use QuickTurn(float Angle) to quick turn of a Radian Angle

But it can control Posture, Animation and Jump:

Postures(SumoEnum.Posture Posture)

Animation(SumoEnum.Animation Animation)

Jump(SumoEnum.Jump JumpType)

About Jump, Jumping drone can kick in object. For that, Use Posture.Kicker and call JumpLoad() to compress Spring to release Spring and "kick" call Jump(SumoEnum.Jump.LongJump)

Using Events


SumoController have many events that drone sent. Video has proper event ctrl.ImageAvailable wich offer: LibSumo.Net.Events.ImageEventArgs that contains RawImage in OpenCV Mat format. you can easily use .ToWriteableBitmap(PixelFormats.Bgr24); to be used in Image component

Other Event

All other events are sent in ctrl.SumoEvents += Ctrl_SumoEvents; You can easily switch() on SumoEventArgs.TypeOfEvent to get what event is sent.

	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.BatteryAlertEvent):
	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.BatteryLevelEvent):		
	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.Connected):		
	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.Disconnected):
	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.Discovered):		
	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.PilotingEvent):
	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.PostureEvent):		
	case (SumoEnum.TypeOfEvents.RSSI):		

Then use properties of SumoEventArgs to get correct value

public SumoEnum.Posture Posture { get; set; }
public SumoEnum.BatteryAlert BatteryAlert { get; set; }
public int BatteryLevel { get; set; }
public int Rssi { get; set; }	
public sbyte Speed { get; set; }
public sbyte Turn { get; set; }

Using SumoKeyboardPiloting Class:

SumoKeyboardPiloting offer a ready to use Keyboard Hooker, Speed and Turn Acceleration and Deceleration algorithm, Ready to expand Keyboard Mapping... For that, just let SumController to instanciate SumoKeyboardPiloting class by using the constructor SumoController(out SumoKeyboardPiloting piloting);

After that you have to connect piloting.Move event to your handler and use the pre-calculated speed and turn value controller.Move(e.Speed, e.Turn); to move your drone.

Expand Key control

To respond to other key action, simply connect piloting.KeyboardKeysAvailable event and switch() on KeyboardEventArgs.CurrentKey

private void Piloting_KeyboardKeysAvailable(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e)
	HookUtils.VirtualKeyStates key = e.CurrentKey;
	bool IsPressed = e.IsPressed;

		// Postures
		case ((int)HookUtils.VirtualKeyStates.VK_F1): // Normal

use Ascii code for Normal keys

		// Quick Turn
		case (0x57): // Letter w
			controller.QuickTurn(ToRadians(180)); //Quick turn right

Multiple Drones

You can connect many drone to the same Wifi for that simply use project to connect your drones to your favorites wifi router. Then you can create a ListOfDevices = new List<MiniDevice>(); which contains drones name then pass the array to controller : controller = new SumoController(out piloting, listOfName, true);

After that the controller callback notify you with the drone name discovered. See SumoApplication for more details