Add a cool designed Box on the top of your Parrot Jumping Drone that you can open and close remotely.
The heart of this box is a Pololu Maestro servo controller
On the Drone you have a MaestroServer.c
which listen on 4567 udp port for command
On the controller you can send open
or close
command to control the box
Cross Compile
for arm v5.1 witharm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -Wall --static -O2 -marm -march=armv5 MaestroServer.c -o MaestroServer -lm
transfer the executable to your drone
Make script to load module
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.ko
on Sumoinsmod /lib\modules\2.6.36-102961-gf9f11f3\kernel\drivers\usb/class/cdc-acm.ko
on Diesel -
and run MaestroServer executable
- Use my LibSumo.Net library and call
- or Use Parrot SDK and implement your code to transmit command to drone on this base:
Socket sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
IPAddress serverAddr = IPAddress.Parse("");
IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(serverAddr, 4567);
byte[] send_buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("open");
sock.SendTo(send_buffer, endPoint);
Notes :
- Be sur you use small servo which have a minimum power consumption.