In this test,developer need to create all the neccessary designs, components, actions and routes using ReactJS. I would be really nice if you can use TypeScript for the project but it is optional. The main purpose of the test is to see how much the developer knows html, css, javascript, ReactJS, way of coding and project structure.
- Project have to be done using ReactJS in Javascript or TypeScript
If you check on figma prototype, all the workflow are designed. In the Users page, by using
api, developer can retrieve all the users. Then create create a User page to show them as card. For the profile image, please use this api
to get Placeholder profile image. First and last name should be changed base on user's first and last name.
In side the Album page, of the left side there are list of albumn names. When user click on one of these names, it will download photos of that album and show in right side. To filter and photos from photo api please use albumId=
Project Protype:
User End-point :
Album End-Point :
Photo End-Point :
When you finished you project, please upload the source code to the GitHub/GitLab or BitBucket and share us repository link to us by using