A Search Box PCF control based on React and Office UI
The basic idea of this control is to be an addition to subject trees or entities with hierarchies that grow a lot and help users to find the option or reduce the effort to search in long list as the example that is provided.
- ExistingValue: This is bound field we will use as input/output in Dynamics. No need for initial values.
- Json: This is the JSON data with the configuration. If we dont include data, sample data is shown.
- SearchTabTitle: Title for the SearchBox Tab.
- SearchTabFavTitle: Title for the Favourites Tab.
- listTabFavTitle: Title of the Column for the Favourites.
- noSuggestions: Message that will be shown by the Searchbox control when nothing is found.
- searchTitle: Message inside the SearchBox like "Search..."
Key: unique identifier displayValue: The value in the list or search SearchValue: The selected value. Fav: Boolean value that indicates if this entry should be in the Favourites Tab.
Once you've donlowaded the code, navigate to the SearhBox PCF folder and run the following command from the terminal:
npm install
This will install all the dependencies.
npm run start
This should bootstrap the component and run it to allow you to see the component running.