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Kafka integration with Keda

An example repository of using Kafka with Keda hosted on Kubernetes.


If you arrived at this repository from a blog post and would like to follow the example or just want a more wordy explanation for the code, you can find a list below with the respective link and tag you need to checkout:


  • Download Kafka (2.3.1)
  • Download the Strimzi Kafka operators (0.14.0)
  • Clone the Keda repository (v1.0.0)
  • Docker and Kubernetes

Run the example

  1. Start the Kafka and Zookeeper servers. The following script assumes that strimzi is located in the same directory as this project.

  2. Deploy the consumer

  3. Deploy Keda. The following script assumes that keda is located in the same

  4. Now everything should be setup. You'll notice that the consumer-service pod may not be there as Keda scaled the deployment down to 0 as it isn't being used.

  5. Send messages to the consumer.

    cd <KAFKA INSTALL DIRECTORY>\bin\windows
    ./kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:32100 --topic messages
  6. You should now see the consumer scaling up as messages come in and down when there are no messages in the queue.