This website's purpose is to be the homepage for Emrys Seren's Art and art-related items. It contains links to outside websites such as social media, Patreon, Tapas (webcomics) and shopping sites like Gumroad and RedBubble. The site also contains a small gallery of Emrys' work and is planned to host further content such as a podcast in the future.
Media queries:
Medium.css changes the footer to be two-column. Large.css reverts it to one column.
CSS Features:
Flexbox is used to change the footer depending on small/mobile, medium, or large sizing.
The menu button is opened and closed by clicking the menu button (in lieu of a hamburger button). The layout of the menu is controlled by css.
Javascript Features:
The menu button is run with Javascript. Clicking the menu button displays the navigation menu and clicking it again hides the menu.
The copyright year at the bottom of the page is controlled by Javascript and will roll over to the current year come 2022.
The subscribe box collects an email address. Upon clicking the subscribe button, the email address is checked for an "@" symbol. A prompt displays either telling you the address is invalid if there is no "@" or tells you you have successfully subscribed.