Vet allows to review code on Gerrit using a pull-request workflow similar to GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and others.
Vet CLI is self sufficient. There is no need to deploy a separate java runtime to make it work.
$ wget -O \
&& unzip \
&& sudo dpkg -i vet.deb \
&& source /etc/bash_completion.d/ \
&& rm vet.deb
Mac OSX - Homebrew
$ brew tap cosium/vet && brew install vet
Windows - Chocolatey
$ choco install gerrit-vet
Download the binaries from
Compatible with: IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, AppCode, CLion, GoLand, DataGrip, Rider, MPS, Android Studio.
Gerrit can't manage more than one commit per change set.
Because of that, the widespread and cumbersome workflow is to have a single local commit and amend it every time you
want to update the changeset.
Using Vet, Gerrit keeps seeing one commit per change set while you don't have to rewrite your history anymore.
Each time you will ask to push to Gerrit, Vet will forge and push a single commit based on your source branch commit sequence.
Vet computes the Gerrit change id on the fly before pushing to Gerrit.
Say bye to the pre-commit script.
Git is the only channel used by Vet to communicate with Gerrit.
Vet doesn't need to know your credentials.
Because Vet delegates all Gerrit communication to git, your remote access protocol is only limited by git:
- file
- ssh
- http(s)
- ...
$ vet --help
usage: vet [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]
<command> can be one of:
new, checkout-new, checkout, push, untrack, status, pull, fire-and-forget
Debug options:
--stacktrace Print stacktraces
--verbose Enable verbose mode
Vet: The Gerrit client using pull request review workflow
$ vet --help checkout-new
usage: vet checkout-new [-b <branch>] [-f]
-b,--checkout-branch <branch> The branch that will be created to track
the change.
-f,--force Forces the execution of the command,
bypassing any confirmation prompt.
Creates a new change and tracks it from a new branch
$ vet --help checkout
usage: vet checkout [-b <branch>] [-f] [-i <id>] [-t <branch>]
-b,--checkout-branch <branch> The branch that will be created to track
the change.
-f,--force Forces the execution of the command,
bypassing any confirmation prompt.
-i,--numeric-id <id> The numeric id of the change.
-t,--target-branch <branch> The target branch of the change.
Tracks an existing change from a new branch
$ vet --help push
usage: vet push [-f] [-p] [-s <subject>] [-v <vote>] [-w]
-p,--publish-drafted-comments Publish currently drafted comments of
the change if any.
-s,--patchset-subject <subject> The subject of the patchset.
-v,--code-review-vote <vote> Vote on code review. i.e. +1 is a
valid vote value.
-w,--work-in-progress Turn the change to work in progress
(e.g. wip).
Uploads modifications to the currently tracked change
$ vet --help fire-and-forget
usage: vet fire-and-forget [-f] [-v <vote>]
-f,--force Forces the execution of the command,
bypassing any confirmation prompt.
-v,--code-review-vote <vote> Vote on code review. i.e. +1 is a valid
vote value.
Creates a new untracked change then resets the current branch to change
$ vet --help new
usage: vet new [-f] [-t <branch>]
-f,--force Forces the execution of the command,
bypassing any confirmation prompt.
-t,--target-branch <branch> The change target branch.
Creates a new change and tracks it from the current branch.
$ vet --help pull
usage: vet pull
Pulls modifications of the currently tracked change
$ vet --help status
usage: vet status
Displays the current status
$ vet --help untrack
usage: vet untrack [-f]
-f,--force Forces the execution of the command, bypassing any
confirmation prompt.
Untracks any tracked change
$ vet --help track
usage: vet track [-b <branch>] [-f] [-i <id>] [-t <branch>]
-i,--numeric-id <id> The numeric id of the change.
-t,--target-branch <branch> The target branch of the change.
Tracks an existing change from the current branch
You will need JDK 9+.
You will need to have Docker installed to build the project.
Vet uses Java 9 Jlink to generate standalone binaries for Linux, MacOSX and Windows.
$ ./gradlew binaries
Generated binaries can be found in build/binaries