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Satellite API

HViet edited this page Jun 23, 2021 · 1 revision

Satellite Components:

  • Fred Node (172.26.x.1)
  • Storage Node (172.26.x.2)
  • HTTP Server (172.26.x.3)

Whereas x = 7 + n (n = number of the satellite)

Example for Satellite0:

  • Fred Node at
  • Storage Node at
  • HTTP Server at

HTTP Server:

The HTTP Server of each satellite provides following end-points:

Method Route Body Description
GET IP:5000/getValue/<keygroup>/<key> - Retrieves data from a specific keygroup with a given key
GET IP:5000/getValue/<key> - Goes through all keygroups of the fred node and tries to retrieve data with a given key
POST IP:5000/setData/<keygroup>/<key> value Stores a key-value pair to the given keygroup
POST IP:5000/appendData/<keygroup>/<key> value Initializes an array with the given value if the key isn't stored yet, otherwise appends the value into the existing key-value pair of a specific keygroup
GET IP:5000/getLocation - Returns the satellite's position in "latitude longitude" format
GET IP:5000/currentKeygroups - Returns the keygroups the satellite belongs to in "keygroup1 keygroup2 keygroup3 .." format
GET IP:5000/* - Returns a lorem text depending on the route
  • The HTTP Server queries it's position by sending a GET request to the coordinator every x seconds (configurable in config.toml under position_interval)
  • Joins and/or leaves keygroup(s) depending on the position
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