An iOS Client for provides search as a service that optimizes results using artificial intelligence (including natural language processing, re-ranking to optimize for conversions, and user personalization).
Full API documentation is available on Github Pages
First make sure you have CocoaPods installed. Then create an empty text file in your project’s root directory called ‘Podfile’. Add the following lines to the file:
target ‘YOUR_TARGET_NAME’ do
pod ‘ConstructorAutocomplete'
Open the terminal (make sure you’re located in the project root) and type
pod install
First, make sure you have Carthage installed. Then create an empty text file called ‘Cartfile’ in your project root directory. Now, add the following lines:
github "Constructor-io/constructorio-client-swift"
Open the terminal (make sure you’re located in the project root) and type
carthage update
Drag the ConstructorIO.framework
from Carthage/Build/iOS into your project and link it with your application target. Also, make sure to copy the framework by adding a new Copy Files phase.
To install using SwiftPM. Go into Xcode and click on File
> Add Package Dependency
and enter Constructor's Swift Client repository URL.
If you develop frameworks and would like to utilize the Swift API Client as a dependency, update your Package.swift
file with the following:
let package = Package(
// 3.3.13 ..< 4.0.0
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "3.3.13")
// ...
Lastly, you'll just need to import ConstructorAutocomplete
to your source files to begin using it.
You can find this in your dashboard. Contact sales if you'd like to sign up, or support if you believe your company already has an account.
Make sure to import the ConstructorAutocomplete
module at the top of your source file and then write the following
// Create the client config
let config = ConstructorIOConfig(
apiKey: "YOUR API KEY",
baseURL: "", // default service url. protocol must be specified (i.e. https)
resultCount: AutocompleteResultCount(numResultsForSection: ["Search Suggestions" : 3, "Products" : 0])
// Create the client instance
let constructorIO = ConstructorIO(config: config)
// Set the user ID (for a logged in user) used for cross device personalization
constructorIO.userID = "abcdefghijk-123"
If you are retrieving results from your backend servers instead of direclty using our SDK, there are certain personalization parameters that are needed to be passed along with your requests. And those parameters can be accessed from the Constructor instance.
- Client Id
let constructorClientId = constructorIO.clientID
- Session Id
let constructorSessionId = constructorIO.sessionID
In most cases, you will want to store those parameters as cookies preferably as ConstructorioID_client_id and ConstructorioID_session_id to be sent with your requests to your backend servers.
When A/B testing, it is important to specify which cell the user is being assigned to. Information about the test cell can be set through the ConstructorIOConfig
let testCell = CIOABTestCell
let config = ConstructorIOConfig(
apiKey: "YOUR API KEY",
baseURL: "", // default service url. protocol must be specified (i.e. https)
testCells: [CIOABTestCell(key: "constructorio_test", value: "control_1")]
// Create the client instance
let constructorIO = ConstructorIO(config: config)
// The test cells in the config can be edited after instantiating the client instance
constructorIO.config.testCells = [CIOABTestCell(key: "constructorio_test", value: "experiment_1")]
let query = CIOAutocompleteQuery(query: "apple", numResultsForSection: ["Products": 6, "Search Suggestions": 8])
constructorIO.autocomplete(forQuery: query) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
let filters = CIOQueryFilters(groupFilter: "Bread", facetFilters: [
(key: "Nutrition", value: "Organic"),
(key: "Nutrition", value: "Natural"),
(key: "Nutrition", value: "Whole-grain")
let query = CIOSearchQuery(query: "Dave's Bread", page: 5, filters: filters)
// Specify the sort order in which groups are returned
let groupsSortOption = CIOGroupsSortOption(sortBy: CIOGroupsSortBy.value, sortOrder: CIOGroupsSortOrder.ascending) query, filters: filters, groupsSortOption: groupsSortOption) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
let query = CIOBrowseQuery(filterName: "potato", filterValue: "russet")
// Specify the sort order in which groups are returned
let groupsSortOption = CIOGroupsSortOption(sortBy: CIOGroupsSortBy.value, sortOrder: CIOGroupsSortOrder.ascending)
constructorIO.browse(forQuery: query, groupsSortOption: groupsSortOption) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
let query = CIORecommendationsQuery(podID: "pdp_best_sellers", filters: filters)
constructorIO.recommendations(forQuery: query) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
let itemId = "P18232"
let variationId = "P18232-123"
let query = CIORecommendationsQuery(podID: "pdp_complementary_items", itemID: itemId, variationID: variationId)
constructorIO.recommendations(forQuery: query) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
let filters = CIOQueryFilters(groupFilter: "cat_1234", facetFilters: [
(key: "Nutrition", value: "Organic"),
(key: "Nutrition", value: "Natural"),
(key: "Brand", value: "Kroger")
let query = CIORecommendationsQuery(podID: "pdp_filtered_items", filters: filters)
constructorIO.recommendations(forQuery: query) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
let query = CIOQuizQuery(quizID: "quiz-1", answers: [["1"], ["2"]])
constructorIO.getQuizNextQuestion(forQuery: query) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
let query = CIOQuizQuery(quizID: "quiz-1", answers: [["1"], ["2"]])
constructorIO.getQuizResults(forQuery: query) { (response) in
let data =!
let error = response.error!
// ...
The iOS Client sends behavioral events to in order to continuously learn and improve results for future Autosuggest and Search requests. The Client only sends events in response to being called by the consuming app or in response to user interaction . For example, if the consuming app never calls the SDK code, no events will be sent. Besides the explicitly passed in event parameters, all user events contain a GUID based user ID that the client sets to identify the user as well as a session ID.
Three types of these events exist:
- General Events are sent as needed when an instance of the Client is created or initialized
- Autocomplete Events measure user interaction with autocomplete results
- Search Events measure user interaction with search results
- Browse Events measure user interaction with browse results
- Recommendation Events measure user interaction with recommendations
- Quiz Events measure user interaction with quiz results
- Conversion Events measure user events like
add to cart
// Track when the user focuses into the search bar
constructorIO.trackInputFocus(searchTerm: "")
// Track when the user selects an autocomplete suggestion
constructorIO.trackAutocompleteSelect(searchTerm: "toothpicks", originalQuery: "tooth", sectionName: "Search Suggestions", group: CIOGroup(displayName: "Dental Health", groupID: "dental-92dk2", path: "health-2911e/dental-92dk2"), resultID: "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when the user submits a search (either by selecting a suggestion or not selecting a suggestion)
constructorIO.trackSearchSubmit(searchTerm: "toothpicks", originalQuery: "tooth")
// Track when search results are loaded into view (customer ID's are the ID's of shown items)
constructorIO.trackSearchResultsLoaded(searchTerm: "tooth", resultCount: 789, customerIDs: ["1234567-AB", "1234765-CD", "1234576-DE"])
// Track when a search result is clicked
constructorIO.trackSearchResultClick(itemName: "Fashionable Toothpicks", customerID: "1234567-AB", variationID: "1234567-AB-7463", searchTerm: "tooth", sectionName: "Products", resultID: "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when browse results are loaded into view
constructorIO.trackBrowseResultsLoaded(filterName: "Category", filterValue: "Snacks", resultCount: 674)
// Track when browse results are loaded into view with items array (supported in v3.1.2 and above)
constructorIO.trackBrowseResultsLoaded(filterName: "Category", filterValue: "Snacks", resultCount: 674, customerIDs: ["1234567-AB", "1234765-CD", "1234576-DE"])
// Track when a browse result is clicked
constructorIO.trackBrowseResultClick(filterName: "Category", filterValue: "Snacks", customerID: "7654321-BA", variationID: "7654321-BA-738", resultPositionOnPage: 4, sectionName: "Products", resultID: "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when recommendation results are viewed
constructorIO.trackRecommendationResultsView(podID: "pdp_best_sellers", numResultsViewed: 5, resultPage: 1, resultCount: 10, resultID: "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when recommendation results are viewed with items array (supported in v3.3.13 and above)
constructorIO.trackRecommendationResultsView(podID: "pdp_best_sellers", numResultsViewed: 5, customerIDs: ["1234567-AB", "1234765-CD", "1234576-DE"], resultPage: 1, resultCount: 10, resultID: "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when a recomendation result is clicked
constructorIO.trackRecommendationResultClick(podID: "pdp_best_sellers", strategyID: "best_sellers", customerID: "P183021", variationID: "7281930", numResultsPerPage: 30, resultPage: 1, resultCount: 15, resultPositionOnPage: 1, resultID: "179b8a0e-3799-4a31-be87-127b06871de2")
// Track when a quiz result is clicked
ConstructorIo.trackQuizResultClick(quizID: "coffee-quiz", quizVersionID: "1231244", quizSessionID: "123", customerID: "123", itemName: "espresso")
// Track when quiz results are loaded
ConstructorIo.trackQuizResultsLoaded(quizID: "coffee-quiz", quizVersionID: "1231244", quizSessionID: "123", resultCount: 20)
// Track when a quiz result is converted on
ConstructorIo.trackQuizConversion(quizID: "coffee-quiz", quizVersionID: "1231244", quizSessionID: "123", customerID: "123", variationID: "167", itemName: "espresso", revenue: 20.0)
// Track when an item converts (a.k.a. is added to cart) regardless of the user journey that led to adding to cart
constructorIO.trackConversion(itemName: "Fashionable Toothpicks", customerID: "1234567-AB", variationID: "1234567-AB-47398", revenue: 12.99, searchTerm: "tooth", conversionType: "add_to_cart")
// Track when items are purchased
constructorIO.trackPurchase(customerIDs: ["123-AB", "456-CD"], revenue: 34.49, orderID: "343-315")
// Tracking items w/ variations in purchases (supported in v2.5.5 and above)
let purchaseItems = [
CIOItem(customerID: "custID1", variationID: "varID1", quantity: 2),
CIOItem(customerID: "custID2", variationID: "varID2", quantity: 3)
constructorIO.trackPurchase(items: purchaseItems, revenue: 93.89, orderID: "423-2432")
// Track when a product detail page is loaded (a.k.a after a user clicks on an item)
constructorIO.trackItemDetailLoad(customerID: "10001", itemName: "item1", variationID: "var1", sectionName: "Products")