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The TCS-GARR Client is a command-line tool for managing and interacting with Harica platform. It offers features like listing, downloading, issuing certificates, approving requests, and generating domain validation tokens, all via the Harica API.


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License: GPLv3 Contributions welcome


The TCS-GARR Client is a command-line tool for managing and interacting with Harica platform. It offers features like listing, downloading, issuing certificates, approving requests, and generating domain validation tokens, all via the Harica API.

Warning ⚠️

Consortium GARR is not affiliated with HARICA, and the present work has not been endorsed by or agreed with HARICA.

Consortium GARR provides this code to the community for sharing purposes but does not commit to providing support, maintenance, or further development of the code. Use it at your own discretion.


Before using the TCS-GARR client, please ensure the following:

  1. Create a local account on the Harica platform: You must create a local account on Harica at Do not use federated IDEM credentials, as they do not support API access.

    • If you're already logged in with federated IDEM credentials, you can create a new local account using an email alias. Federated users do not have a password and therefore cannot use the API.
  2. Administrator and Approver Permissions: To use the API, your local account must have Administrator and Approver permissions. To obtain these:

    • Enable 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) on your profile page.
    • Save the TOTP seed provided after enabling 2FA, as you will need it for future authentication. TOTP seed is like otpauth://totp/HARICA:...omissis...
    • After enabling 2FA, request an existing administrator to elevate your account to Administrator and Approver.

Once these steps are completed, you are ready to use the TCS-GARR client.


You can install the TCS-GARR client in a virtual environment or via pipx.

Virtual Environment

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to install the package. Then, run the following command to create a virtual environment:

    mkdir <path>
    python -m venv venv

    This will create a folder named venv in your project directory, containing a self-contained Python environment.

  2. Activate the virtual environment based on your operating system:

    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the package

    pip install tcs-garr


  1. Open a terminal and install the package

    PIPX_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin pipx install tcs-garr


After installation, the first time you run the client, you will need to initialize the configuration file with your credentials by running:

tcs-garr init

This will create a tcs-garr.conf file in your home directory under .config/tcs-garr path. This file will contain your Harica username, password, TOTP seed, and folder for issued certificates and will have secure permissions.

If configuration file is not found, system will notify you to initialize the configuration using the tcs-garr init command.


Once the setup is complete, you can use the TCS-GARR client for various operations. The command syntax follows this pattern:

tcs-garr [command] [options]

To view all available commands and options:

tcs-garr --help

usage: tcs-garr [-h] [--debug] [--version] [--environment {production,stg}] {approve,cancel,domains,download,init,k8s,list,request,upgrade,validate,whoami} ...

Harica Certificate Manager

positional arguments:
                        Available commands
    approve             Approve a certificate by ID
    cancel              Cancel a request by ID
    domains             List available domains
    download            Download a certificate by ID
    init                Generate Harica config file
    k8s                 Generate Kubernetes TLS resource file
    list                Generate a report from Harica
    request             Request a new certificate
    upgrade             Self-upgrade command for the app.
    validate            Create validation token for domains
    whoami              Get logged in user profile

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable DEBUG logging.
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --no-check-release    Skip checking for a new release
  --environment {production,stg}
                        Specify the environment to use (default: production)

Available Commands

All commands are executed on the production environment of Harica at By using the --environment stg flag, you can execute commands for the staging environment at

For example, if you want to use the staging environment, you can initialize the configuration file using the following command:

tcs-garr --environment stg init
  1. Initialize configuration:

    tcs-garr init

    This command initializes the configuration file with your credentials (email, password, and TOTP seed).

  2. Get user profile:

    tcs-garr whoami

    This command retrieves the profile of the logged-in user.

  3. List all certificates:

    tcs-garr list --help
    usage: tcs-garr list [-h] [--expired-since EXPIRED_SINCE] [--expiring-in EXPIRING_IN]
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --expired-since EXPIRED_SINCE
                            List certificates which expiry date is X days before now.
    --expiring-in EXPIRING_IN
                            List certificates which expiry date is X days after now.

    This command will list all available certificates. You can filter them by date range using the --expired-since and --expiring-in options.

  4. Download a certificate:

    tcs-garr download --help
    usage: tcs-garr download [-h] --id ID [--output-filename OUTPUT_FILENAME] [--force] [--download-type {pemBundle,certificate}]
     -h, --help            show this help message and exit
     --id ID               ID of the certificate to download.
     --output-filename OUTPUT_FILENAME
                             Optional filename to save the certificate inside default output_folder.
     --force, -f           Force overwrite if the output file already exists.
     --download-type {pemBundle,certificate}
                             Type of download: 'pemBundle' or 'certificate'. Default is 'pemBundle'.

    Replace ID with the ID of the certificate you wish to download. You can use pemBundle or certificate as arguments for specific download formats.

  5. Request a new certificate:

    tcs-garr request --help
    usage: tcs-garr request [-h] [--profile {OV,DV}] [--wait] (--csr CSR | --cn CN) [--alt_names ALT_NAMES]
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --profile {OV,DV}     Profile to use between OV or DV. Default: OV
    --wait                Wait for the certificate to be approved
    --csr CSR             Path to an existing CSR file.
    --cn CN               Common name of the certificate.
    --alt_names ALT_NAMES
                            Comma-separated alternative names (only used with --cn).

    The request command is used to submit a new certificate request to Harica.

    You can either provide an existing Certificate Signing Request (--csr) or specify the details for generating a new CSR, including the Common Name (--cn) and any Subject Alternative Names (--alt_names). If a new CSR is created using the --cn and --alt_names options, a private key will also be automatically generated.

    You can choose between the OV (OV Profile) or DV (DV Profile) profile using the --profile option. Default is OV.

    After submitting the certificate request, the request must be approved by another Administrator before the certificate can be downloaded. Ensure that an administrator is available to review and approve your request.

    With `--wait`` flag, the command will wait for the certificate to be approved by another administrator. When approved, it will be automatically downloaded.

  6. Approve a certificate:

    usage: tcs-garr approve [-h] (--id ID | --list-pending | --all)
    -h, --help      show this help message and exit
    --id ID         ID of the certificates (comma separated) to approve.
    --list-pending  List all pending requests.
    --all           Approve all pending requests.

    You can list all pending requests using the --list-pending option or approve all pending requests using the --all option.

    You can also approve a specific certificate by providing its ID using the --id option.

  7. Cancel a certificate request:

    tcs-garr cancel --help
    usage: tcs-garr cancel [-h] --id ID
    -h, --help  show this help message and exit
    --id ID     ID of the request to cancel.

    Replace ID with the ID of the certificate you wish to cancel.

  8. Generate validation token for domains:

    usage: tcs-garr validate [-h] --domains DOMAINS
    -h, --help         show this help message and exit
    --domains DOMAINS  Comma separated list of domains.

    This command generates validation tokens for the specified domains. Replace DOMAINS with a comma-separated list of domains you need to validate.

    To get the list of all available domains in your organization, use the domains command.

    tcs-garr domains
  9. Upgrade package:

    usage: tcs-garr upgrade [-h]
    -h, --help  show this help message and exit

    This command upgrades the package to the latest version.

  10. K8s resource:

This command is used to generate a Kubernetes secret YAML file for storing a TLS certificate and its associated private key. The resulting secret can be used in Kubernetes clusters to securely store TLS certificates for applications requiring encrypted communication.

The command requires the paths to both the certificate file (--cert) and the private key file (--key), as well as the target Kubernetes namespace (--namespace) where the secret will be created.

usage: tcs-garr k8s [-h] --cert CERT --key KEY --namespace NAMESPACE

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--cert CERT           Path to the certificate file.
--key KEY             Path to the key file.
--namespace NAMESPACE
                        Kubernetes namespace for the secret.


Docker image is available at GitHub container registry. You can pull them via:

docker pull<your_desired_version>


Example of docker image build command:

docker build -t tcs-garr:latest .

Environment variables

Name Description Default Value
HARICA_USERNAME Username for HARICA authentication None
HARICA_PASSWORD Password for HARICA authentication None
HARICA_TOTP_SEED TOTP seed for two-factor auth None
HARICA_OUTPUT_FOLDER Directory for output files ~/harica_certificates


Use the image like this:

docker run --name tcs-garr tcs-garr:latest --version

Or a more complex example can be:

docker run --name tcs-garr \
  tcs-garr:latest request --cn <domain> --alt_names <alt_names>

The entrypoint is already set to tcs-garr, so just add arguments or options.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contributing and Further Development

Contributions, further developments, error reports (and possibly fixes) are welcome.

For more info, please read the CONTRIBUTING file.


The TCS-GARR Client is a command-line tool for managing and interacting with Harica platform. It offers features like listing, downloading, issuing certificates, approving requests, and generating domain validation tokens, all via the Harica API.





