A simple wrapper for Elm that takes Elm scripts and runs them as a command line program.
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$ cat square.ielm
main = Interact.onInts (\x -> x * x)
$ elm-line square.ielm
> 15
> 532
> ^C
$ cat tac.ielm
-- a simple program which reverses each line
-- !woem --
main = Interact.onLines String.reverse
$ elm-line tac.ielm <tac.ielm
enil hcae sesrever hcihw margorp elpmis a --
-- meow! --
esrever.gnirtS seniLno.tcaretnI = niam
$ cat paren-words.ielm
onWords : (String -> String) -> Interact.Interactor
onWords fn =
Interact.onLines (String.split " " >> List.map fn >> String.join " ")
main = onWords (\word -> "(" ++ word ++ ")")
$ elm-line paren-words.ielm
> hello there
(hello) (there)
> what is a word
(what) (is) (a) (word)
> ^C