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zustand forms


  • typesafe - everything autocompleteable
  • zustand - a form = plain zustand store, access and update state anywhere


  • flexiable validation
  • server errors
  • toggling inputs
  • any platform - no components provided, works with regular controlled inputs
  • low level access - read meta state like timeUpdated for custom functionality

Getting Started

Install package

// package.json
"dependencies": { "zustand-forms": "github:Conduct/zustand-forms#v1.0.6" }

Define value types and validators

import { makeValidator, makeMakeFormStore } from "zustand-forms";

const valueTypes = { text: { blankValue: "" } };
const validators = { required: makeValidator(({ value }) => !value ? "Required field" : undefined )};
const makeFormStore = makeMakeFormStore(validators, valueTypes);

Define a form 🗒

const useLoginForm = makeFormStore({
  firstName: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
  lastName: { valueType: "text" },

function LoginForm() {
  const {refreshForm, updateInput, formValues, isValid} = useLoginForm();
  useEffect(refreshForm, []); // refresh the form when it becomes visible

  return (
        onChange={(newValue) => updateInput({inputId: 'email', newValue})}
        onChange={(newValue) => updateInput({inputId: 'password', newValue})}
      <Button disabled={!isValid}>Submit</Button>

(larger examples with custom validators and more further down)

The same form definition used for mobile and web
native + web


Refreshing forms

Refresh forms on mount to keep state like isEdited up-to-date.
Here initial values , disabling validators, and updating server errors can also be set

import { useSignupForm } from "forms/signupForm";
function SignupForm() {
  const refreshForm = useSignupForm((state) => state.refreshForm);
  useEffect(() => refreshForm(
	{ email: ""},     // set initial values for inputs
	{ password: false},                // disable validators
	{ email: ["User already exists"]}, // add server errors
  , []);

Validator utils

For quick regex based validators,
It includes email aNumber aNonNumber anUppercaseLetter aLowercaseLetter aSpace regexes,
but more can be added/overwritten with the first parameter.

import { makeValidatorUtils, makeValidator } from "zustand-forms";
const {
} = makeValidatorUtils({
  aCustomRegex: /\s\S/,

and can be used like this

const validatorFunctions = {
  // isTypedString
  // checks if the value is a non empty string,
  required: makeValidator(({ value }) =>
    if (!isTypedString(value)) return "Required"
  // helpful to avoid errors for empty strings in other validators
  underTenCharacters: makeValidator(({ value }) => {
    if (isTypedString(value) && value.length > 10) return "Over max" // "" wont error here, but still will for *required*
  // stringDoesntMatch
  // checks if it doesn't match a named regex
  email: makeValidator(({ value }) => {
    if (stringDoesntMatch(value, "email")) return "Please enter a valid email";

Custom value types

For values with multiple properties like beachBall: { color: "green", size: 30 }.

const valueTypes = {
  text: { blankValue: "" },
  rotation: { blankValue: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } },

To validate custom values in a typesafe way,
use getTypedMakeValidator instead of makeValidator

import { getTypedMakeValidator } from "zustand-forms";

const valueTypes = {
  text: { blankValue: "" },
  rotation: {
    blankValue: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    defaultValidators: ["allowedRotation" as "allowedRotation"] // TODO remove need for "as"
const makeValidator = getTypedMakeValidator(valueTypes);

const validatorFunctions = {
  allowedRotation: makeValidator(({ value /* string | Rotation */ }) => {
    if (isString(value)) return;
    // now the type is guarenteed to be a Rotation { x: number, y: number, z: number }

    const isValidAngle = (angle: number) => angle > 0 && angle < 360;
    if (!isValidAngle(value.x) || !isValidAngle(value.y) || !isValidAngle(value.z))
      return "Invalid rotation";

Form store

What's available in getLoginForm().getState()


inputStates { firstName: InputState, lastName: InputState }
formValues { firstName: "Sam", lastName: "Doe" }
allInputIds ["firstName", "lastName"]
focusedInputId "firstName"
timeUpdated 1596601463296
isValidServer if there are any current server errors
isCheckable if the validators should run, usually for hidden inputs


what's inside getLoginForm().getState().inputStates.login

inputId "firstName"
value the current value
validatorTypes ["requiredLength"]
validatorsOptions { requiredLength: { max: 10 } }
localErrorTypes [“requiredLength”]
localErrorTextByErrorType { requiredLength: "Must be under 11 letters" }
serverErrorTexts [“Name already exists”]
timeUpdated 1596601463296
isValidServer if there are any current server errors
isCheckable if the validators should run, usually for hidden inputs

Form actions

updateInput updateInput({inputId, newValue}) use in <input onChange />
toggleFocus toggleFocus({inputId, isFocused}) use in <input onFocus onBlur />
toggleIsCheckable toggleIsCheckable({inputId, isCheckable}) use for hidden inputs
refreshForm refreshForm( initialValuesByInputId, isCheckableByInputId, serverErrorsByInputId ) use when form components mount with useEffect(, [])

Advanced use

Supporting custom validators, stricter types , and simpler input definitions, but requires more boilerplate


// Define validator functions
import { makeValidator as make, makeValidatorUtils } from "zustand-forms";

const {
} = makeValidatorUtils({
  // custom regex, 'email' and others included by default
  anyUrl:  /[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/,

const validatorFunctions = {
  email: make<{}>(({ value }) => {
    if (stringDoesntMatch(value, "email")) return "Please enter a valid email";
  required: make<{ message: string }>(({ value, validatorOptions }) => {
    if (!isTypedString(value))
      return validatorOptions.message || "Required field";
  requiredLength: make<{ min?: number; max?: number }>(
    ({ value, validatorOptions: { min, max } }) => {
      if (!isTypedString(value)) return;

      if (min !== undefined && value.length < min)
        return `must be atleast ${min} characters`;

      if (max !== undefined && value.length > max)
        return {
          message: `must be less than ${max + 1} characters`,
          editedValue: value.substring(0, max), // This edits the value directly to be valid
  matchesOtherField: make<{ otherInputId: string; message?: string }>(
    ({ value, formState, validatorOptions: { otherInputId, message } }) => {
      const otherValue = formState.inputStates[otherInputId].value;
      const bothValuesArentEmpty = value !== "" && otherValue !== "";
      const valuesDontMatch = value !== otherValue;

      if (bothValuesArentEmpty)
        return {
          message: valuesDontMatch ? message : undefined, // if message is undefined there's no error added, but the other input still gets revalidated
          revalidateOtherInputIds: [otherInputId],

export default validatorFunctions;

Using in a form

import makeFormStore from "./options";

export const useSignupForm = makeFormStore({
  email: {
    valueType: "text",
    defaultValidators: ["required", "email", "requiredLength"],
    defaultValidatorsOptions: {
      requiredLength: { max: 64 },
  newPassword: {
    valueType: "text",
    defaultValidators: ["required", "matchesOtherField"],
    defaultValidatorsOptions: {
      required: { message: "A Password's required (custom message)" },
      matchesOtherField: {
        // message: undefined // no message returned means "confirmPassword" gets revalidated when "newPassword" updates,
        // but there won't be any error for this input
        otherInputId: "confirmPassword",
  confirmPassword: {
    valueType: "text",
    defaultValidators: ["required", "matchesOtherField"],
    defaultValidatorsOptions: {
      matchesOtherField: {
        message: "must match passsword",
        otherInputId: "newPassword",

Folder structure

  • 📂src
    • 📂forms
    • 📄 loginForm.ts
    • 📄 signupForm.ts
    • 📄 index.ts
      • 📂options
      • 📄 valueTypes.ts
      • 📄 validatorFunctions
      • 📄 index.ts (creates makeFormStore)
    • 📂components
      • 📄FormInput.tsx
    • 📄App.tsx

Validator params helper types

Currently not built in, these types can be used to get the custom validators param types for each validator,

e.g { min: number, max: number } for "requiredLength", or {message: string} for "required"

type ValidatorFunctions = typeof validatorFunctions;
export type ValidatorType = keyof ValidatorFunctions;

type NoValidatorOptions = {validatorOptions: never};
type HasValidatorOptions = {validatorOptions?: any} | {validatorOptions: any};
type CheckValidatorOptions<
  TheParameters extends any
> = TheParameters extends HasValidatorOptions
  ? TheParameters
  : NoValidatorOptions;

type CustomValidatorParams<
  T_ValidatorType extends ValidatorType
> = CheckValidatorOptions<
  Parameters<ValidatorFunctions[T_ValidatorType]>[0] // gets the first param object ({value, formState, validatorOptions etc})

export type ValidatorOptionsByValidatorType = {
  [P_ValidatorType in ValidatorType]: CustomValidatorParams<P_ValidatorType>;

// Can be useful for custom functionality based on inputState.validatorsOptions
export type ValidatorsOptions = Partial<ValidatorOptionsByValidatorType>;

Generic FormInput

a generic FormInput component that supports any form

import { makeValidator, makeMakeFormStore, InputIdFromFormStore, makeFormHooks } from "zustand-forms";

// Define value types
const valueTypes = {
  text: { blankValue: "" },
  number: { blankValue: 0 },
  boolean: { blankValue: false },
// Define validators
const validatorFunctions = {
  required: makeValidator(({ value }) =>
    !value ? "Required field" : undefined

// Define some forms 🗒
const makeFormStore = makeMakeFormStore(validatorFunctions, valueTypes);

export const useLoginForm = makeFormStore({
  firstName: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
  lastName: { valueType: "text" },

export const useSignupForm = makeFormStore({
  email: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
  password: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
// These form hooks can be used as-is, or a combined hook can be made below

// Add all form stores keyed by form name
const formStores = { login: useLoginForm, signup: useSignupForm };

// Get forms hook
export const { useFormInput } = makeFormHooks(formStores);

// Get forms types
type FormStoresHelperTypes = MakeFormStoresHelperTypes<typeof formStores>;
export type FormName = FormStoresHelperTypes["FormName"]; // "login" | "signup"
export type InputIdByFormName = FormStoresHelperTypes["InputIdByFormName"]; // InputIdByFormName["login"] -> "email" | "password"

using with components

type Props<T_FormName, T_InputId> = {
  inputId: T_InputId;
  formName: T_FormName;
  title: string;

const FormInput = <
  T_FormName extends FormName,
  T_InputId extends InputIdByFormName[T_FormName]
>({ formName,inputId,title}: Props<T_FormName, T_InputId>) => {

  const {
    onChange, value, onFocus, onBlur, inlineErrorTexts, canShowErrors
  } = useFormInput({ inputId, formName });

  return (
        {...{ onFocus, onBlur, value }}
        onChange={(e) => onChange(}
      {canShowErrors && <div>{inlineErrorTexts.join(", ")}</div>}

const SignupForm = () => {
  const refreshForm = useSignupForm((state) => state.refreshForm);
  const isValid = useSignupForm((state) => state.isValid);
  useEffect(refreshForm, []); // refresh the form when it becomes visible
  return (
      <FormInput formName="signup" inputId="email" />
      <FormInput formName="signup" inputId="password" />
        onClick={()=> anApi.signup(useSignupForm.getState().formValues)}

Library development

For a quick way to edit this package, add 📂src to your project as a renamed local folder like 📂zustand-forms-dev, and replace imports from "zustand-forms" to "zustand-forms-dev".
( Enabling "baseUrl": in tsconfig.json allows non-relative imports )

After making changes, update the files in this libraries src folder, update the version number in package.json, remove node_modules and lib folders, and run npm install.

Then the library can be pushed , ideally with a new tag with the version number added.


fast typesafe form states as zustand stores







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