- typesafe - everything autocompleteable
- zustand - a form = plain zustand store, access and update state anywhere
- flexiable validation
- server errors
- toggling inputs
- any platform - no components provided, works with regular controlled inputs
- low level access - read meta state like
for custom functionality
Install package
// package.json
"dependencies": { "zustand-forms": "github:Conduct/zustand-forms#v1.0.6" }
Define value types and validators
import { makeValidator, makeMakeFormStore } from "zustand-forms";
const valueTypes = { text: { blankValue: "" } };
const validators = { required: makeValidator(({ value }) => !value ? "Required field" : undefined )};
const makeFormStore = makeMakeFormStore(validators, valueTypes);
Define a form 🗒
const useLoginForm = makeFormStore({
firstName: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
lastName: { valueType: "text" },
function LoginForm() {
const {refreshForm, updateInput, formValues, isValid} = useLoginForm();
useEffect(refreshForm, []); // refresh the form when it becomes visible
return (
onChange={(newValue) => updateInput({inputId: 'email', newValue})}
onChange={(newValue) => updateInput({inputId: 'password', newValue})}
<Button disabled={!isValid}>Submit</Button>
(larger examples with custom validators and more further down)
Refresh forms on mount to keep state like isEdited
Here initial values , disabling validators, and updating server errors can also be set
import { useSignupForm } from "forms/signupForm";
function SignupForm() {
const refreshForm = useSignupForm((state) => state.refreshForm);
useEffect(() => refreshForm(
{ email: "initial@email.org"}, // set initial values for inputs
{ password: false}, // disable validators
{ email: ["User already exists"]}, // add server errors
, []);
For quick regex based validators,
It includes email
but more can be added/overwritten with the first parameter.
import { makeValidatorUtils, makeValidator } from "zustand-forms";
const {
} = makeValidatorUtils({
aCustomRegex: /\s\S/,
and can be used like this
const validatorFunctions = {
// isTypedString
// checks if the value is a non empty string,
required: makeValidator(({ value }) =>
if (!isTypedString(value)) return "Required"
// helpful to avoid errors for empty strings in other validators
underTenCharacters: makeValidator(({ value }) => {
if (isTypedString(value) && value.length > 10) return "Over max" // "" wont error here, but still will for *required*
// stringDoesntMatch
// checks if it doesn't match a named regex
email: makeValidator(({ value }) => {
if (stringDoesntMatch(value, "email")) return "Please enter a valid email";
For values with multiple properties like beachBall: { color: "green", size: 30 }
const valueTypes = {
text: { blankValue: "" },
rotation: { blankValue: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } },
To validate custom values in a typesafe way,
use getTypedMakeValidator
instead of makeValidator
import { getTypedMakeValidator } from "zustand-forms";
const valueTypes = {
text: { blankValue: "" },
rotation: {
blankValue: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
defaultValidators: ["allowedRotation" as "allowedRotation"] // TODO remove need for "as"
const makeValidator = getTypedMakeValidator(valueTypes);
const validatorFunctions = {
allowedRotation: makeValidator(({ value /* string | Rotation */ }) => {
if (isString(value)) return;
// now the type is guarenteed to be a Rotation { x: number, y: number, z: number }
const isValidAngle = (angle: number) => angle > 0 && angle < 360;
if (!isValidAngle(value.x) || !isValidAngle(value.y) || !isValidAngle(value.z))
return "Invalid rotation";
What's available in getLoginForm().getState()
inputStates | { firstName: InputState , lastName: InputState } |
formValues | { firstName: "Sam", lastName: "Doe" } |
- | |
allInputIds | ["firstName", "lastName"] |
localErrorInputIds | |
serverErrorInputIds | |
checkableInputIds | |
focusedInputId | "firstName" |
- | |
timeUpdated | 1596601463296 |
timeRefreshed | |
timeFocused | |
timeUnfocused | |
- | |
isValidLocal | |
isValidServer | if there are any current server errors |
isValid | |
isEdited | |
hasBeenUnfocused | |
isFocused | |
isCheckable | if the validators should run, usually for hidden inputs |
what's inside getLoginForm().getState().inputStates.login
inputId | "firstName" |
value | the current value |
initialValue | |
valueType | |
validatorTypes | ["requiredLength"] |
validatorsOptions | { requiredLength: { max: 10 } } |
localErrorTypes | [“requiredLength”] |
localErrorTextByErrorType | { requiredLength: "Must be under 11 letters" } |
serverErrorTexts | [“Name already exists”] |
- | |
timeUpdated | 1596601463296 |
timeBecameCheckable | |
timeBecameUncheckable | |
timeFocused | |
timeUnfocused | |
- | |
isValidLocal | |
isValidServer | if there are any current server errors |
isValid | |
isEdited | |
hasBeenUnfocused | |
isFocused | |
isCheckable | if the validators should run, usually for hidden inputs |
updateInput | updateInput ({inputId , newValue }) |
use in <input onChange /> |
toggleFocus | toggleFocus ({inputId , isFocused }) |
use in <input onFocus onBlur /> |
toggleIsCheckable | toggleIsCheckable( {inputId , isCheckable }) |
use for hidden inputs | |
refreshForm | refreshForm( initialValuesByInputId , isCheckableByInputId , serverErrorsByInputId ) |
use when form components mount with useEffect(, []) |
Supporting custom validators, stricter types , and simpler input definitions, but requires more boilerplate
// Define validator functions
import { makeValidator as make, makeValidatorUtils } from "zustand-forms";
const {
} = makeValidatorUtils({
// custom regex, 'email' and others included by default
anyUrl: /[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/,
const validatorFunctions = {
email: make<{}>(({ value }) => {
if (stringDoesntMatch(value, "email")) return "Please enter a valid email";
required: make<{ message: string }>(({ value, validatorOptions }) => {
if (!isTypedString(value))
return validatorOptions.message || "Required field";
requiredLength: make<{ min?: number; max?: number }>(
({ value, validatorOptions: { min, max } }) => {
if (!isTypedString(value)) return;
if (min !== undefined && value.length < min)
return `must be atleast ${min} characters`;
if (max !== undefined && value.length > max)
return {
message: `must be less than ${max + 1} characters`,
editedValue: value.substring(0, max), // This edits the value directly to be valid
matchesOtherField: make<{ otherInputId: string; message?: string }>(
({ value, formState, validatorOptions: { otherInputId, message } }) => {
const otherValue = formState.inputStates[otherInputId].value;
const bothValuesArentEmpty = value !== "" && otherValue !== "";
const valuesDontMatch = value !== otherValue;
if (bothValuesArentEmpty)
return {
message: valuesDontMatch ? message : undefined, // if message is undefined there's no error added, but the other input still gets revalidated
revalidateOtherInputIds: [otherInputId],
export default validatorFunctions;
Using in a form
import makeFormStore from "./options";
export const useSignupForm = makeFormStore({
email: {
valueType: "text",
defaultValidators: ["required", "email", "requiredLength"],
defaultValidatorsOptions: {
requiredLength: { max: 64 },
newPassword: {
valueType: "text",
defaultValidators: ["required", "matchesOtherField"],
defaultValidatorsOptions: {
required: { message: "A Password's required (custom message)" },
matchesOtherField: {
// message: undefined // no message returned means "confirmPassword" gets revalidated when "newPassword" updates,
// but there won't be any error for this input
otherInputId: "confirmPassword",
confirmPassword: {
valueType: "text",
defaultValidators: ["required", "matchesOtherField"],
defaultValidatorsOptions: {
matchesOtherField: {
message: "must match passsword",
otherInputId: "newPassword",
- 📂src
- 📂forms
- 📄 loginForm.ts
- 📄 signupForm.ts
- 📄 index.ts
- 📂options
- 📄 valueTypes.ts
- 📄 validatorFunctions
- 📄 index.ts (creates
- 📂components
- 📄FormInput.tsx
- 📄App.tsx
Currently not built in, these types can be used to get the custom validators param types for each validator,
e.g { min: number, max: number }
for "requiredLength",
or {message: string}
for "required"
type ValidatorFunctions = typeof validatorFunctions;
export type ValidatorType = keyof ValidatorFunctions;
type NoValidatorOptions = {validatorOptions: never};
type HasValidatorOptions = {validatorOptions?: any} | {validatorOptions: any};
type CheckValidatorOptions<
TheParameters extends any
> = TheParameters extends HasValidatorOptions
? TheParameters
: NoValidatorOptions;
type CustomValidatorParams<
T_ValidatorType extends ValidatorType
> = CheckValidatorOptions<
Parameters<ValidatorFunctions[T_ValidatorType]>[0] // gets the first param object ({value, formState, validatorOptions etc})
export type ValidatorOptionsByValidatorType = {
[P_ValidatorType in ValidatorType]: CustomValidatorParams<P_ValidatorType>;
// Can be useful for custom functionality based on inputState.validatorsOptions
export type ValidatorsOptions = Partial<ValidatorOptionsByValidatorType>;
a generic FormInput component that supports any form
import { makeValidator, makeMakeFormStore, InputIdFromFormStore, makeFormHooks } from "zustand-forms";
// Define value types
const valueTypes = {
text: { blankValue: "" },
number: { blankValue: 0 },
boolean: { blankValue: false },
// Define validators
const validatorFunctions = {
required: makeValidator(({ value }) =>
!value ? "Required field" : undefined
// Define some forms 🗒
const makeFormStore = makeMakeFormStore(validatorFunctions, valueTypes);
export const useLoginForm = makeFormStore({
firstName: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
lastName: { valueType: "text" },
export const useSignupForm = makeFormStore({
email: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
password: { valueType: "text", defaultValidators: ["required"] },
// These form hooks can be used as-is, or a combined hook can be made below
// Add all form stores keyed by form name
const formStores = { login: useLoginForm, signup: useSignupForm };
// Get forms hook
export const { useFormInput } = makeFormHooks(formStores);
// Get forms types
type FormStoresHelperTypes = MakeFormStoresHelperTypes<typeof formStores>;
export type FormName = FormStoresHelperTypes["FormName"]; // "login" | "signup"
export type InputIdByFormName = FormStoresHelperTypes["InputIdByFormName"]; // InputIdByFormName["login"] -> "email" | "password"
using with components
type Props<T_FormName, T_InputId> = {
inputId: T_InputId;
formName: T_FormName;
title: string;
const FormInput = <
T_FormName extends FormName,
T_InputId extends InputIdByFormName[T_FormName]
>({ formName,inputId,title}: Props<T_FormName, T_InputId>) => {
const {
onChange, value, onFocus, onBlur, inlineErrorTexts, canShowErrors
} = useFormInput({ inputId, formName });
return (
{...{ onFocus, onBlur, value }}
onChange={(e) => onChange(e.target.value)}
{canShowErrors && <div>{inlineErrorTexts.join(", ")}</div>}
const SignupForm = () => {
const refreshForm = useSignupForm((state) => state.refreshForm);
const isValid = useSignupForm((state) => state.isValid);
useEffect(refreshForm, []); // refresh the form when it becomes visible
return (
<FormInput formName="signup" inputId="email" />
<FormInput formName="signup" inputId="password" />
onClick={()=> anApi.signup(useSignupForm.getState().formValues)}
For a quick way to edit this package, add 📂src
to your project as a renamed local folder like 📂zustand-forms-dev
, and replace imports from "zustand-forms"
to "zustand-forms-dev"
( Enabling "baseUrl":
in tsconfig.json
allows non-relative imports )
After making changes, update the files in this libraries src folder, update the version number in package.json, remove node_modules and lib folders, and run npm install
Then the library can be pushed , ideally with a new tag with the version number added.